06-06-2011, 09:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-19-2014, 10:54 AM by Mikeyy.
Edit Reason: It seams forum migration killed old attachments. Updateting last 2 versions.
Company Boso d.o.o., Croatia is giving ODM something back.
In attachment there is plug-in for individual file expiration.
Attachment has been tested in non productional enviroment, all bugs that we found removed. If you notice any other bugs please lets us know in this topic.
InExp adds 2 new fields, expiration date and notification date. On notification date every user that has r (read) permission will be notified that file is about to expire in X days.
On expiration date file will be handled acording to ODM global settings for expired files with one difference, every expired file will get new text in front of DESCRIPTION , [EXPIRED]. We done this so expired files could be easily found in large sistems via search option.
Also, 3rd global ODM option, "Notify reviewer only" will still notify all users with R permission, but will not change file status like other options.
Thanks Stephen for changing plugin code so this plugin could work. Now you know what you need to change for all other plug-ins.
If you have any questions about usability ask here.
EDIT: It seams forum migration killed attachments. Updating last 2 versions.
In attachment there is plug-in for individual file expiration.
Attachment has been tested in non productional enviroment, all bugs that we found removed. If you notice any other bugs please lets us know in this topic.
InExp adds 2 new fields, expiration date and notification date. On notification date every user that has r (read) permission will be notified that file is about to expire in X days.
On expiration date file will be handled acording to ODM global settings for expired files with one difference, every expired file will get new text in front of DESCRIPTION , [EXPIRED]. We done this so expired files could be easily found in large sistems via search option.
Also, 3rd global ODM option, "Notify reviewer only" will still notify all users with R permission, but will not change file status like other options.
Thanks Stephen for changing plugin code so this plugin could work. Now you know what you need to change for all other plug-ins.

If you have any questions about usability ask here.
EDIT: It seams forum migration killed attachments. Updating last 2 versions.