01-13-2010, 08:57 AM
2008-05-31 15:06:58 PDT
I just installed OpenDocMan to my server. However, when I attempt to the page at index.php, I get the following error message:
"There is a problem with your dataDir. Check to make sure it exists and is writeable".
Please help me to resolve this matter so that I can start using OpenDocMan.
2008-06-02 07:09:08 PDT
First... check to see if the directory specified in your configuration file exists. Look for the 'dataDir' definition in either config.php or config_local.php. The latter will take precedence if it exists. I define dataDir in the config_local.php file like this:
$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['dataDir'] = '/tools/opendocman/document_repository/'
Second... check to see if the directory is writable by the webserver user. For example, on one of my Linux servers, the webserver (/usr/sbin/httpd) is running as the "apache" user. The directory ownership and permissions look like this:
$ ls -ld /tools/opendocman/document_repository/
drwxrwxr-x 4 apache apache 4096 Oct 24 2007 /tools/opendocman/document_repository/
If you're running Windows, the idea is the same, but the implementation might be different. Your mileage may vary. Good luck.
2008-06-04 09:33:55 PDT
One more thought... if you're using a modern version of Linux, and you have selinux enabled, then you may need to adjust your security policies to allow the web server user to access the directory. Without more information about your configuration we can only guess at what might be going on.
2008-05-31 15:06:58 PDT
I just installed OpenDocMan to my server. However, when I attempt to the page at index.php, I get the following error message:
"There is a problem with your dataDir. Check to make sure it exists and is writeable".
Please help me to resolve this matter so that I can start using OpenDocMan.
2008-06-02 07:09:08 PDT
First... check to see if the directory specified in your configuration file exists. Look for the 'dataDir' definition in either config.php or config_local.php. The latter will take precedence if it exists. I define dataDir in the config_local.php file like this:
$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['dataDir'] = '/tools/opendocman/document_repository/'
Second... check to see if the directory is writable by the webserver user. For example, on one of my Linux servers, the webserver (/usr/sbin/httpd) is running as the "apache" user. The directory ownership and permissions look like this:
$ ls -ld /tools/opendocman/document_repository/
drwxrwxr-x 4 apache apache 4096 Oct 24 2007 /tools/opendocman/document_repository/
If you're running Windows, the idea is the same, but the implementation might be different. Your mileage may vary. Good luck.
2008-06-04 09:33:55 PDT
One more thought... if you're using a modern version of Linux, and you have selinux enabled, then you may need to adjust your security policies to allow the web server user to access the directory. Without more information about your configuration we can only guess at what might be going on.