01-13-2010, 12:22 PM
2007-04-08 17:13:57 PDT
I'm testing ODM on Centos 4.x, which includes MySQL 4.1.20 and php 4.3.9. I've also got php-mysql installed, although I'm not sure if that's necessary or not. When I try to run the automatic install via the webpage under <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://localhost/opendocman/install/">http://localhost/opendocman/install/</a><!-- m -->, it fails to create the opendocman DB in mysql. In the apache error log it says
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in /var/www/html/opendocman/install/index.php on line 154, referer: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... op=install</a><!-- m -->
I've also installed ODM on a Fedora Core 5 box and I don't have this problem (I've got some other problems, but that's another topic). One difference I see is on the FC5 box I've got the php-pdo package installed, which "The php-pdo package contains a dynamic shared object that will add a database access abstraction layer to PHP. This module provides a common interface for accessing MySQL, PostgreSQL or other databases." There is no such package on Centos 4.x, and it may be completely unrelated. Anyone know why the mysql_connect function is missing, or what I need to install to support it? Thanks.
2007-04-08 17:25:13 PDT
Never mind, I found the problem: While I did have php-mysql installed, I had done so after starting apache, but forgot to restart apache after installing it. Restarting apache fixed the problem.
2007-04-08 17:13:57 PDT
I'm testing ODM on Centos 4.x, which includes MySQL 4.1.20 and php 4.3.9. I've also got php-mysql installed, although I'm not sure if that's necessary or not. When I try to run the automatic install via the webpage under <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://localhost/opendocman/install/">http://localhost/opendocman/install/</a><!-- m -->, it fails to create the opendocman DB in mysql. In the apache error log it says
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function: mysql_connect() in /var/www/html/opendocman/install/index.php on line 154, referer: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... op=install</a><!-- m -->
I've also installed ODM on a Fedora Core 5 box and I don't have this problem (I've got some other problems, but that's another topic). One difference I see is on the FC5 box I've got the php-pdo package installed, which "The php-pdo package contains a dynamic shared object that will add a database access abstraction layer to PHP. This module provides a common interface for accessing MySQL, PostgreSQL or other databases." There is no such package on Centos 4.x, and it may be completely unrelated. Anyone know why the mysql_connect function is missing, or what I need to install to support it? Thanks.
2007-04-08 17:25:13 PDT
Never mind, I found the problem: While I did have php-mysql installed, I had done so after starting apache, but forgot to restart apache after installing it. Restarting apache fixed the problem.