05-28-2010, 11:05 PM
Here is the english.php file. Please translate into your native language. So far I have turkish done, and a partial spanish which I will post to this forum.
If you would like to help out, you can translate the file, and place it in this forum.
If you would like to help out, you can translate the file, and place it in this forum.
// (C) 20010-2011 Stephen Lawrence Jr.
// Translated by: Stephen Lawrence Jr.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
$lang = array();
global $lang;
$lang['anonymous_link'] = 'Click here to view public files anonymously';
$lang['forgotpassword'] = 'Forgot your password?';
$lang['install_folder'] = 'Security Notice: If you already installed/updated then you should remove the \'install\' folder before proceeding';
$lang['signup'] = 'Sign-up for an account';
$lang['welcome'] = 'Welcome to OpenDocMan';
$lang['welcome2'] = 'Log in to begin using The system\'s powerful storage, publishing and revision control features.';
$lang['welcome_anonymous_title'] = 'OpenDocMan Anonymous Page: List All';
$lang['welcome_anonymous_h1'] = 'OpenDocMan Anonymous Page';
$lang['action'] = 'Action';
$lang['all'] = 'All';
$lang['anonymous'] = 'Anonymous';
$lang['author'] = 'Author';
$lang['category'] = 'Category';
$lang['choose'] = 'Choose';
$lang['date'] = 'Date';
$lang['days'] = 'days';
$lang['department'] = 'Department';
$lang['edit'] = 'Edit';
$lang['enter'] = 'Enter';
$lang['error'] = 'Error';
$lang['file'] = 'File';
$lang['help'] = 'Help';
$lang['home'] = 'Home';
$lang['installer'] = 'Installer';
$lang['list'] = 'List';
$lang['login'] = 'Login';
$lang['logout'] = 'Logout';
$lang['new'] = 'New';
$lang['owner'] = 'Owner';
$lang['preferences'] = 'Preferences';
$lang['password'] = 'Password';
$lang['please'] = 'Please';
$lang['profile'] = 'Profile';
$lang['public'] = 'Public';
$lang['revision'] = 'Revision';
$lang['search'] = 'Search';
$lang['select'] = 'Select';
$lang['sincerely'] = 'Sincerely';
$lang['submit'] = 'Submit';
$lang['time'] = 'Time';
$lang['type'] = 'Type';
$lang['updated'] = 'Updated';
$lang['username'] = 'Username';
$lang['users'] = 'Users';
$lang['value'] = 'Value';
$lang['view'] = 'View';
// Areas
$lang['area_add_new_category'] = 'Add New Category';
$lang['area_add_new_department'] = 'Add New Department';
$lang['area_add_new_file'] = 'Add New File';
$lang['area_add_new_udf'] = 'Add New User Defined Field';
$lang['area_add_new_user'] = 'Add New User';
$lang['area_admin'] = 'Administration';
$lang['area_check_in_file'] = 'Check-in File';
$lang['area_check_out_file'] = 'Check-out File';
$lang['area_choose_department'] = 'Choose Department';
$lang['area_delete_category'] = 'Delete Category';
$lang['area_deleted_files'] = 'Deleted Files';
$lang['area_department_information'] = 'Department Information';
$lang['area_display_category'] = 'Display All Files In Category';
$lang['area_document_listing'] = 'Document Listing';
$lang['area_file_delete'] = 'Delete File';
$lang['area_file_details'] = 'File Details';
$lang['area_file_expiration'] = 'File Expiration';
$lang['area_personal_profile'] = 'Personal Profile';
$lang['area_reset_password'] = 'Reset Password';
$lang['area_update_category'] = 'Update Category';
$lang['area_update_department'] = 'Update Department';
$lang['area_update_file'] = 'Update File';
$lang['area_view_category'] = 'View Category';
// Buttons
$lang['button_add_category'] = 'Add Category';
$lang['button_add_department'] = 'Add Department';
$lang['button_add_document'] = 'Add Document';
$lang['button_authorize'] = 'Authorize';
$lang['button_back'] = 'Back';
$lang['button_cancel'] = 'Cancel';
$lang['button_check_in'] = 'Check-in';
$lang['button_clear_status'] = 'Clear Status';
$lang['button_click_here'] = 'Click Here';
$lang['button_continue'] = 'Continue';
$lang['button_delete'] = 'Delete';
$lang['button_delete_files'] = 'Delete Files';
$lang['button_display_category'] = 'Display All Files In This Category';
$lang['button_modify_category'] = 'Modify Category';
$lang['button_modify_department'] = 'Modify Department';
$lang['button_reject'] = 'Reject';
$lang['button_reset'] = 'Reset';
$lang['button_resubmit_for_review'] = 'Re-Submit For Review';
$lang['button_save'] = 'Save';
$lang['button_undelete'] = 'Undelete';
$lang['button_update'] = 'Update';
$lang['button_view_department'] = 'View Department';
$lang['button_yes'] = 'Yes';
$lang['email_added_to_repository'] = 'added to repository';
$lang['email_a_new_file_has_been_added'] = 'A new file has been added';
$lang['email_a_new_file_has_been_rejected'] = 'A new file has been rejected';
$lang['email_automated_document_messenger'] = 'Automated Document Messenger';
$lang['email_because_you_did_not_revise'] = 'because you did not revise it for more than';
$lang['email_comments_regarding_review'] = 'Comments regarding your review of the document';
$lang['email_email_all_users'] = 'E-mail all users';
$lang['email_email_these_users'] = 'E-mail theses users';
$lang['email_email_whole_department'] = 'E-mail whole department';
$lang['email_file_expired'] = 'A File Has Expired';
$lang['email_file_was_rejected_because'] = 'Your file was rejected because you did not revise it for more than';
$lang['email_file_was_rejected_expired'] = 'Your file has expired. Please update the file as soon as possible. Your file may be inaccessible until you do.';
$lang['email_for_the_following_reasons'] = 'for the following reasons';
$lang['email_greeting'] = 'Dear author';
$lang['email_i_would_like_to_inform'] = 'I would like to inform you that';
$lang['email_note_to_authors'] = 'Note to Author(s)';
$lang['email_revision_days'] = 'Maximum number of days before expiration:';
$lang['email_salute'] = 'Sincerely';
$lang['email_someone_has_requested_password'] = 'Someone has requested a password reset. If you wish to reset your password please follow the link below. If you do not wish to reset your password then simply do nothing and disregard this email.';
$lang['email_status_expired'] = 'Status: Expired';
$lang['email_subject_review_status'] = 'Review status for document ';
$lang['email_subject'] = 'Subject';
$lang['email_thank_you'] = 'Thank You';
$lang['email_to'] = 'To';
$lang['email_was_declined_for_publishing_at'] = 'Was declined for publishing at';
$lang['email_was_rejected_from_repository'] = 'Was rejected from repository';
$lang['email_you_can_now_login'] = 'You can now log into your account at this page';
$lang['email_your_account_created'] = 'your document management account was created at';
$lang['email_your_file_has_been_authorized'] = 'Your file has been authorized for publication';
// Labels
$lang['label_active'] = 'Active';
$lang['label_add'] = 'Add';
$lang['label_admin'] = 'Admin';
$lang['label_allowed'] = 'Allowed';
$lang['label_all_departments'] = 'All Departments';
$lang['label_assign_to'] = 'Assign To';
$lang['label_author'] = 'Author';
$lang['label_browse_by'] = 'Filter by:';
$lang['label_case_sensitive'] = 'Case Sensitive';
$lang['label_checked_out_files'] = 'Checked-Out Files';
$lang['label_check_expiration'] = 'Check Expiration';
$lang['label_comment'] = 'Comment';
$lang['label_created_date'] = 'Date Created';
$lang['label_default_for_unset'] = 'Default Setting for Unset Department';
$lang['label_delete'] = 'Delete';
$lang['label_delete_undelete'] = 'Delete/Undelete';
$lang['label_department_authority'] = 'Deptartments Authority';
$lang['label_department'] = 'Department';
$lang['label_departments'] = 'Departments';
$lang['label_department_to_modify'] = 'Department to modify';
$lang['label_description'] = 'Description';
$lang['label_display'] = 'Display';
$lang['label_email_address'] = 'E-Mail Address';
$lang['label_empty'] = 'Empty';
$lang['label_exact_phrase'] = 'Exact Phrase';
$lang['label_example'] = 'Example';
$lang['label_file_archive'] = 'File Archive';
$lang['label_file_category'] = 'File Category';
$lang['label_file_listing'] = 'Files List';
$lang['label_file_location'] = 'File Location';
$lang['label_file_maintenance'] = 'File Maintenance';
$lang['label_filename'] = 'Filename';
$lang['label_filetype'] = 'File Type';
$lang['label_filetypes'] = 'File Types';
$lang['label_file_name'] = 'File Name';
$lang['label_first_name'] = 'First Name';
$lang['label_forbidden'] = 'Forbidden';
$lang['label_found_documents'] = 'found document(s)';
$lang['label_id'] = 'ID';
$lang['label_is_admin'] = 'Is Admin';
$lang['label_is_reviewer'] = 'Is Reviewer';
$lang['label_last_name'] = 'Last Name';
$lang['label_moderation'] = 'Moderation';
$lang['label_modified_date'] = 'Modified Date';
$lang['label_modify'] = 'Modify';
$lang['label_name'] = 'Name';
$lang['label_new_password'] = 'New Password';
$lang['label_next'] = 'Next';
$lang['label_note_for_revision_log'] = 'Note for revision log';
$lang['label_page'] = 'Page';
$lang['label_phone_number'] = 'Phone Number';
$lang['label_plugins'] = 'Plug-Ins';
$lang['label_prev'] = 'Previous';
$lang['label_read'] = 'Read';
$lang['label_reassign_to'] = 'Re-assign To';
$lang['label_rejected_files'] = 'Rejected Files';
$lang['label_rejections'] = 'Rejections';
$lang['label_reviewer_for'] = 'Dept. reviewer for';
$lang['label_reviewer'] = 'Reviewer';
$lang['label_reviews'] = 'Reviews';
$lang['label_rights'] = 'Rights';
$lang['label_run_expiration'] = 'Run Expiration Utility';
$lang['label_search_term'] = 'Search term';
$lang['label_select_a_department'] = 'Select a department';
$lang['label_select_departments'] = 'Select departments';
$lang['label_select_one'] = 'Select one';
$lang['label_settings'] = 'Settings';
$lang['label_size'] = 'Size';
$lang['label_specific_permissions'] = 'Specific User Permissions (use ctrl-click or cmd-click)';
$lang['label_status'] = 'Status';
$lang['label_update'] = 'Update';
$lang['label_user_defined_fields'] = 'User Defined Fields';
$lang['label_user_defined_field'] = 'User Defined Field';
$lang['label_users_in_department'] = 'Users in this department';
$lang['label_user'] = 'User';
$lang['label_view'] = 'View';
// Messages
$lang['message_account_created_add_user'] = 'Your account has been created.';
$lang['message_account_created_password'] = 'Your randomly generated password is';
$lang['message_account_created'] = 'Your account has been created. Please check your email for login information.';
$lang['message_action_cancelled'] = 'Action Cancelled';
$lang['message_all_actions_successfull'] = 'All actions completed successfully';
$lang['message_an_email_has_been_sent'] = 'An email has been sent to the email address on file with a link that must be followed in order to reset the password.';
$lang['message_anonymous_view'] = 'You have been switched to anonymous view mode';
$lang['message_are_you_sure_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this?';
$lang['message_authorized'] = 'Authorized';
$lang['message_category_successfully_added'] = 'Category successfully added';
$lang['message_category_successfully_deleted'] = 'Category successfully deleted';
$lang['message_category_successfully_updated'] = 'Category successfully updated';
$lang['message_click_to_checkout_document'] = 'Click to check out the selected document and begin downloading it to your local workstation';
$lang['message_config_value_problem'] = 'There is a problem with one of your configuration values. Please check.';
$lang['message_current'] = 'Current';
$lang['message_datadir_problem'] = 'There is a problem with your dataDir. Check to make sure it exists and is writeable';
$lang['message_datadir_problem_exists'] = 'There is a problem with your dataDir setting. It does not appear to exist.';
$lang['message_datadir_problem_writable'] = 'There is a problem with your dataDir setting. It does not appear to be writeable to the web server.';
$lang['message_department_successfully_added'] = 'Department successfully added';
$lang['message_department_successfully_updated'] = 'Department successfully updated';
$lang['message_directory_creation_failed'] = 'Directory Creation Failed';
$lang['message_document_added'] = 'Document successfully added';
$lang['message_document_checked_in'] = 'Document successfully checked in';
$lang['message_document_checked_out_to_you'] = 'Documents currently checked out by you';
$lang['message_document_has_been_archived'] = 'Document has been archived';
$lang['message_documents_expired'] = 'Documents expired';
$lang['message_documents_rejected'] = 'Documents rejected';
$lang['message_document_successfully_deleted'] = 'Document successfully deleted';
$lang['message_documents_waiting'] = 'Documents waiting to be reviewed';
$lang['message_error_performing_action'] = 'There was an error performing the request action';
$lang['message_file_authorized'] = 'File authorization completed successfully';
$lang['message_file_does_not_exist'] = 'File does not exist or there is a problem with the file.';
$lang['message_file_expired'] = 'File Expired';
$lang['message_file_rejected'] = 'File rejection completed successfully';
$lang['message_folder_error_check'] = 'Folder Error. Check Last Message in status bar for details.';
$lang['message_folder_perms_error'] = 'Folder Permissions Error:';
$lang['message_for_further_assistance'] = 'for further assistance';
$lang['message_found_documents'] = 'found document(s)';
$lang['message_if_you_are_unable_to_view'] = 'If you are not able to do so for some reason, click <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Download"> to download the selected document and begin downloading it to your local workstation for local view.';
$lang['message_initial_import'] = 'Initial Import';
$lang['message_last_message'] = 'Last Message';
$lang['message_latest_version'] = 'Latest version';
$lang['message_need_one_department'] = 'You need at least one department';
$lang['message_no_author_comments_available'] = 'No author comments available';
$lang['message_no_description_available'] = 'No description available';
$lang['message_no_documents_checked_out'] = 'No documents are currently checked out to you.';
$lang['message_no_files_found'] = 'No Files Found';
$lang['message_no_information_available'] = 'No information available';
$lang['message_non_unique_account'] = 'Non-Unique account';
$lang['message_non_unique_key'] = 'Non-Unique key in database.';
$lang['message_nothing_to_do'] = 'Nothing to do';
$lang['message_not_writeable'] = 'Not Writeable!';
$lang['message_once_the_document_has_completed'] = 'Once the document has completed downloading, you may';
$lang['message_original_version'] = 'Original version';
$lang['message_please_email'] = 'Please email';
$lang['message_please_upload_valid_doc'] = 'Please upload a valid document';
$lang['message_record_exists'] = 'Record already exists. Try again with a different value.';
$lang['message_rejected'] = 'Rejected';
$lang['message_rejecting_files'] = 'Rejecting files last edited before';
$lang['message_reviewers_comments_re_rejection'] = 'Reviewers comments regarding rejection';
$lang['message_session_error'] = 'Session error. Please login again.';
$lang['message_set_your_new_password'] = 'Set your new password using the form below.';
$lang['message_sorry_demo_mode'] = 'Sorry, demo mode only, you can not do that!';
$lang['message_sorry_not_allowed'] = 'Sorry, you are not allowed do to that!';
$lang['message_that_filetype_not_supported'] = 'That file type is not currently supported.<p>Please upload a document conforming to any of the following file types or add the missing MIMETYPE to ';
$lang['message_the_code_you_are_using'] = 'The code you are trying to use to reset your password is no longer valid. Please use this form to reset your password.';
$lang['message_the_file_is_too_large'] = 'The file is too large. Check your OpenDocMan settings. Maximum size is';
$lang['message_the_file_is_too_large_php_ini'] = 'The file is too large for your php server. Check your php.ini configuration for max upload/post/memory. Maximum size is currently: ';
$lang['message_there_was_an_error_loggin_you_in'] = 'There was an error loggin you in. Please try again.';
$lang['message_there_was_an_error_performing_the_action'] = 'There was an error performing the requested action.';
$lang['message_the_username_you_entered'] = 'The username you entered was not found in our system. Contact us if you have forgotten your username.';
$lang['message_this_file_cannot_be_checked_in'] = 'This file cannot be checked in';
$lang['message_this_file_cannot_be_uploaded'] = 'This file cannot be uploaded properly';
$lang['message_this_operation_cannot_be_done_file'] = 'This operation cannot be done on this file';
$lang['message_this_operation_cannot_be_done_rev'] = 'This operation cannot be done to a revision of a file';
$lang['message_this_page_requires_root'] = 'This page requires root level permission';
$lang['message_this_site_has_high_security'] = 'This site has a high level of security and we cannot retrieve your password for you. You can use this form to reset your password. Enter your username and we will send an email to the email address on file with a link that you must follow to reset your password. At that point you may set it to anything you wish.';
$lang['message_to_view_your_file'] = 'To view your file in a new window';
$lang['message_udf_cannot_be_blank'] = 'The UDF name cannot be blank';
$lang['message_udf_successfully_added'] = 'User defined field successfully added';
$lang['message_udf_successfully_deleted'] = 'User defined field successfully deleted';
$lang['message_unable_to_determine_root'] = 'Unable to determine the root username. Please check your configuration.';
$lang['message_unable_to_find_file'] = 'Unable to find the requested file';
$lang['message_user_exists'] = 'That user already exists. Please <a href=\'signup.php\'>try again</a>';
$lang['message_user_successfully_added'] = 'User successfully added';
$lang['message_user_successfully_deleted'] = 'User successfully deleted';
$lang['message_user_successfully_updated'] = 'User successfully updated';
$lang['message_wrong_file_checkin'] = 'Wrong file! Please check in the right file.';
$lang['message_you_are_not_administrator'] = 'You are not an administrator';
$lang['message_you_did_not_enter_value'] = 'You did not enter a value!';
$lang['message_you_do_not_have_an_account'] = 'You do not currently have an account. Please contact the administrator to request one.';
$lang['message_you_must_assign_rights'] = 'You must assign view/modify rights to at least one user.';
$lang['message_your_password_has_been_changed'] = 'Your password has been changed.';
$lang['view'] = $lang['label_view'];