04-06-2010, 12:24 PM
I have a similar issue. When I have our datadir rem'd out, I get to the login screen, but I cannot get past the admin login. I displays There is a problem with your dataDir. Check to make sure it exists and is writeable
When i un rem the datadir. I get a Page can not be displayed.
Not sure where to go with this. I have made sure permissions are all ok. I can browse to the folder in IE just fine??
// Uncomment this one for Windows - Don't forget the trailing backslash "\"
'dataDir' => 'C:\Web\Apache22\htdocs\opendocman\data\',
// Uncomment this one for Linux - Don't forget the trailing slash "/"
'dataDir' => '/var/www/document_repository/',
When i un rem the datadir. I get a Page can not be displayed.
Not sure where to go with this. I have made sure permissions are all ok. I can browse to the folder in IE just fine??
// Uncomment this one for Windows - Don't forget the trailing backslash "\"
'dataDir' => 'C:\Web\Apache22\htdocs\opendocman\data\',
// Uncomment this one for Linux - Don't forget the trailing slash "/"
'dataDir' => '/var/www/document_repository/',