02-23-2010, 02:47 AM
I have this error
Parse error: parse error, expecting `')'' in C:\wamp\www\OpenDocMan\config.php on line 93
my config.php is:
// Uncomment this one for Windows - Don't forget the trailing backslash "\"
'dataDir' => 'c:\document_repository\',
// Uncomment this one for Linux - Don't forget the trailing slash "/"
//'dataDir' => '/var/www/document_repository/',
path c:\document_repository\ exist
I have this error
Parse error: parse error, expecting `')'' in C:\wamp\www\OpenDocMan\config.php on line 93
my config.php is:
// Uncomment this one for Windows - Don't forget the trailing backslash "\"
'dataDir' => 'c:\document_repository\',
// Uncomment this one for Linux - Don't forget the trailing slash "/"
//'dataDir' => '/var/www/document_repository/',
path c:\document_repository\ exist