05-22-2012, 08:45 AM
Good day,
I've just started to use ODM. And so far I like the software, but miss couple thigs, most important one to me is a bility to limit file uploads. Here a hack to remove upload link for everyone exept admin is used. I gues I could go with something simmilar, but I need to allow whole department to upload, and the other department should not have this abilility. The biggest problem with this, I do not know how to format {if $department id '1'} part, what would be the correct call?
I've just started to use ODM. And so far I like the software, but miss couple thigs, most important one to me is a bility to limit file uploads. Here a hack to remove upload link for everyone exept admin is used. I gues I could go with something simmilar, but I need to allow whole department to upload, and the other department should not have this abilility. The biggest problem with this, I do not know how to format {if $department id '1'} part, what would be the correct call?