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Multi language - Printable Version

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Re: Multi language - Mikeyy - 05-03-2011

Croatian version of php file. Hopefully I didn't make a lot of gramatical errors. Big Grin

// (C) 20010-2011 Stephen Lawrence Jr.
// Translated by: Mihovil Stanić
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
$lang = array();
global $lang;

$lang['anonymous_link'] = 'Kliknite ovdje kako bi ste anonimno gledali javne datoteke';
$lang['forgotpassword'] = 'Zaboravili ste lozinku?';
$lang['install_folder']  = 'Sigurnosno upozorenje: Ako ste već instalirali/nadogradili program, trebali bi ste izbrisati \'install\' direktorij prije nego nastavite dalje';
$lang['signup'] = 'Registrirajte račun';
$lang['welcome'] = 'Dobro došli u OpenDocMan';
$lang['welcome2'] = 'Prijavite se kako bi ste počeli koristiti moćnu sistemsku pohranu podataka, objavljivanje i kontrolu promjena nad datotekama.';
$lang['welcome_anonymous_title'] = 'OpenDocMan Anonimna Stranica: Prikaži sve';
$lang['welcome_anonymous_h1'] = 'OpenDocMan Anonimna Stranica';

$lang['action'] = 'Akcija';
$lang['all'] = 'Sve';
$lang['anonymous'] = 'Anonimno';
$lang['author'] = 'Autor';
$lang['category'] = 'Kategorija';
$lang['choose'] = 'Izaberi';
$lang['date'] = 'Datum';
$lang['days'] = 'dana';
$lang['department'] = 'Odjel';
$lang['edit'] = 'Promjeni';
$lang['enter'] = 'Uđi';
$lang['error'] = 'Greška';
$lang['file'] = 'Datoteka';
$lang['help'] = 'Pomoć';
$lang['home'] = 'Početna';
$lang['installer'] = 'Instalacija';
$lang['list'] = 'Lista';
$lang['login'] = 'Prijava';
$lang['logout'] = 'Odjava';
$lang['new'] = 'Novi';
$lang['owner'] = 'Vlasnik';
$lang['preferences'] = 'Opcije';
$lang['password'] = 'Lozinka';
$lang['please'] = 'Molim';
$lang['profile'] = 'Profil';
$lang['public'] = 'Javno';
$lang['revision'] = 'Revizija';
$lang['search'] = 'Pretraži';
$lang['select'] = 'Izaberi';
$lang['sincerely'] = 'Iskreno';
$lang['submit'] = 'Pošalji';
$lang['time'] = 'Vrijeme';
$lang['type'] = 'Tip';
$lang['updated'] = 'Obnovljeno';
$lang['username'] = 'Korisničko ime';
$lang['users'] = 'Korisnici';
$lang['value'] = 'Vrijednost';
$lang['view'] = 'Pogledaj';

// Areas
$lang['area_add_new_category'] = 'Dodaj novu kategoriju';
$lang['area_add_new_department'] = 'Dodaj novi odjel';
$lang['area_add_new_file'] = 'Dodaj novu datoteku';
$lang['area_add_new_udf'] = 'Dodaj novo korisnicko polje';
$lang['area_add_new_user'] = 'Dodaj novog korisnika';
$lang['area_admin'] = 'Administracija';
$lang['area_check_in_file'] = 'Prijavi datoteku';
$lang['area_check_out_file'] = 'Odjavi datoteku';
$lang['area_choose_department'] = 'Izaberi odjel';
$lang['area_delete_category'] = 'Izbriši kategoriju';
$lang['area_deleted_files'] = 'Izbrisane datoteke';
$lang['area_department_information'] = 'Informacije o odjelu';
$lang['area_display_category'] = 'Prikaži sve datoteke u kategoriji';
$lang['area_document_listing'] = 'Lista dokumenata';
$lang['area_file_delete'] = 'Izbriši datoteku';
$lang['area_file_details'] = 'Detalji o datoteci';
$lang['area_file_expiration'] = 'Istek trajanja datoteke';
$lang['area_personal_profile'] = 'Osobni profil';
$lang['area_reset_password'] = 'Resetiraj lozinku';
$lang['area_update_category'] = 'Promjeni kategoriju';
$lang['area_update_department'] = 'Promjeni odjel';
$lang['area_update_file'] = 'Promjeni datoteku';
$lang['area_view_category'] = 'Pogledaj kategoriju';

// Buttons
$lang['button_add_category'] = 'Dodaj kategoriju';
$lang['button_add_department'] = 'Dodaj odjel';
$lang['button_add_document'] = 'Dodaj dokument';
$lang['button_authorize'] = 'Autoriziraj';
$lang['button_back'] = 'Nazad';
$lang['button_cancel'] = 'Odustani';
$lang['button_check_in'] = 'Prijavi';
$lang['button_clear_status'] = 'Očisti status';
$lang['button_click_here'] = 'Klikni ovdje';
$lang['button_continue'] = 'Nastavi';
$lang['button_delete'] = 'Obriši';
$lang['button_delete_files'] = 'Obriši datoteke';
$lang['button_display_category'] = 'Prikaži sve datoteke u ovoj kategoriji';
$lang['button_modify_category'] = 'Promjeni kategoriju';
$lang['button_modify_department'] = 'Promjeni odjel';
$lang['button_reject'] = 'Odbaci';
$lang['button_reset'] = 'Resetiraj';
$lang['button_resubmit_for_review'] = 'Ponovo pošalji na pregled';
$lang['button_save'] = 'Sačuvaj';
$lang['button_undelete'] = 'Po-vrati datoteke';
$lang['button_update'] = 'Obnovi';
$lang['button_view_department'] = 'Pogledaj odjel';
$lang['button_yes'] = 'Da';

$lang['email_added_to_repository'] = 'dodano u repozitorij';
$lang['email_a_new_file_has_been_added'] = 'Nova datoteka je dodana';
$lang['email_a_new_file_has_been_rejected'] = 'Nova datoteka je odbijena';
$lang['email_automated_document_messenger'] = 'Automatizirani sustav poruka';
$lang['email_because_you_did_not_revise'] = 'zato što ga niste izmjenili više od';
$lang['email_comments_regarding_review'] = 'Komentari na vaš pregled dokumenta';
$lang['email_email_all_users'] = 'Pošalji e-mail svim korisnicima';
$lang['email_email_these_users'] = 'Pošalji e-mail ovim korisnicima';
$lang['email_email_whole_department'] = 'Pošalji e-mail cijelom odjelu';
$lang['email_file_expired'] = 'Datoteci je istekao rok';
$lang['email_file_was_rejected_because'] = 'Vaša datoteka je odbijena zato što je niste izmjenili više od';
$lang['email_file_was_rejected_expired'] = 'Vašoj datoteci je istekao rok. Molimo obnovite datoteku što je prije moguće. Vaša datoteka možda neće biti dostupna dok je ne obnovite.';
$lang['email_for_the_following_reasons'] = 'iz slijedećih razloga';
$lang['email_greeting'] = 'Dragi autore';
$lang['email_i_would_like_to_inform'] = 'Želio bih vas obavjestiti da';
$lang['email_note_to_authors'] = 'Poruka autoru(ima)';
$lang['email_revision_days'] = 'Maksimalni broj dana prije isticanja roka:';
$lang['email_salute'] = 'Srdačan';
$lang['email_someone_has_requested_password'] = 'Netko je zatražio resetiranje lozinke.  Ako želite resetirati lozinku molimo pratite link ispod.  Ako ne želite resetirati svoju lozinku nemojte niÅ¡ta raditi i zanemarite ovaj e-mail.';
$lang['email_status_expired'] = 'Status: Istekao rok';
$lang['email_subject_review_status'] = 'Status pregleda dokumenta ';
$lang['email_subject'] = 'Naslov';
$lang['email_thank_you'] = 'Hvala';
$lang['email_to'] = 'Prima';
$lang['email_was_declined_for_publishing_at'] = 'Odbijen je za objavljivanje u';
$lang['email_was_rejected_from_repository'] = 'Odbijen je iz repozitorija';
$lang['email_you_can_now_login'] = 'Možete se prijaviti u svoj račun na ovoj stranici';
$lang['email_your_account_created'] = 'vaš račun za upravljanje dokumenti je napravljen u';
$lang['email_your_file_has_been_authorized'] = 'Vaša datoteka je odobrena za objavljivanje';

// Labels
$lang['label_active'] = 'Aktivno';
$lang['label_add'] = 'Dodaj';
$lang['label_admin'] = 'Administrator';
$lang['label_allowed'] = 'Dozvoljeno';
$lang['label_all_departments'] = 'Svi odjeli';
$lang['label_assign_to'] = 'Dodjeli korisniku';
$lang['label_author'] = 'Autor';
$lang['label_browse_by'] = 'Filtriraj po:';
$lang['label_case_sensitive'] = 'Osjetljivo na velika/mala slova';
$lang['label_checked_out_files'] = 'Datoteke koje su izdane';
$lang['label_check_expiration'] = 'Provjeri istek roka trajanja';
$lang['label_comment'] = 'Komentar';
$lang['label_created_date'] = 'Datum kreiranja';
$lang['label_default_for_unset'] = 'Standardne postavke kada odjel nije odabran';
$lang['label_delete'] = 'Izbriši';
$lang['label_delete_undelete'] = 'Izbriši/Vrati izbrisano';
$lang['label_department_authority'] = 'Ovlasti odjela';
$lang['label_department'] = 'Odjel';
$lang['label_departments'] = 'Odjeli';
$lang['label_department_to_modify'] = 'Izmjeniti odjel';
$lang['label_description'] = 'Opis';
$lang['label_display'] = 'Prikaži';
$lang['label_email_address'] = 'E-Mail adresa';
$lang['label_empty'] = 'Prazno';
$lang['label_exact_phrase'] = 'Točni izraz';
$lang['label_example'] = 'Primjer';
$lang['label_file_archive'] = 'Arhiva datoteka';
$lang['label_file_category'] = 'Kategorija datoteka';
$lang['label_file_listing'] = 'Lista datoteka';
$lang['label_file_location'] = 'Lokacija datoteke';
$lang['label_file_maintenance'] = 'Održavanje datoteke';
$lang['label_filename'] = 'Naziv datoteke';
$lang['label_filetype'] = 'Tip datoteke';
$lang['label_filetypes'] = 'Tipovi datoteka';
$lang['label_file_name'] = 'Naziv datoteke';
$lang['label_first_name'] = 'Ime';
$lang['label_forbidden'] = 'Zabranjeno';
$lang['label_found_documents'] = 'pronašao dokument(e)';
$lang['label_id'] = 'BROJ';
$lang['label_is_admin'] = 'Je administrator';
$lang['label_is_reviewer'] = 'Je pregledavač';
$lang['label_last_name'] = 'Prezime';
$lang['label_moderation'] = 'Moderiranje';
$lang['label_modified_date'] = 'Datum promjene';
$lang['label_modify'] = 'Promjeni';
$lang['label_name'] = 'Naziv';
$lang['label_new_password'] = 'Nova lozinka';
$lang['label_next'] = 'Slijedeći';
$lang['label_note_for_revision_log'] = 'Poruka za revizijski dnevnik';
$lang['label_page'] = 'Stranica';
$lang['label_phone_number'] = 'Broj telefona';
$lang['label_plugins'] = 'Dodaci';
$lang['label_prev'] = 'Prošli';
$lang['label_read'] = 'Čitaj';
$lang['label_reassign_to'] = 'Ponovo dodjeli korisniku';
$lang['label_rejected_files'] = 'Odbijene datoteke';
$lang['label_rejections'] = 'Odbijenice';
$lang['label_reviewer_for'] = 'Pregledavač za odjel';
$lang['label_reviewer'] = 'Pregledavač';
$lang['label_reviews'] = 'Pregledani';
$lang['label_rights'] = 'Dozvole';
$lang['label_run_expiration'] = 'Pokreni program za rokove datoteka';
$lang['label_search_term'] = 'Traži pojam';
$lang['label_select_a_department'] = 'Odaberi odjel';
$lang['label_select_departments'] = 'Odaberi odjele';
$lang['label_select_one'] = 'Izaberi jedan';
$lang['label_settings'] = 'Postavke';
$lang['label_size'] = 'Veličina';
$lang['label_specific_permissions'] = 'Specifične korisničke dozvole (koristi ctrl-klik ili cmd-klik)';
$lang['label_status'] = 'Status';
$lang['label_update'] = 'Obnovi';
$lang['label_user_defined_fields'] = 'Korisnički definirana polja';
$lang['label_user_defined_field'] = 'Korisnički definirano polje';
$lang['label_users_in_department'] = 'Korisnici u ovom odjelu';
$lang['label_user'] = 'Korisnik';
$lang['label_view'] = 'Pogledaj';

// Messages
$lang['message_account_created_add_user'] = 'Vaš račun je kreiran.';
$lang['message_account_created_password'] = 'Vaša sustavom generirana lozinka je';
$lang['message_account_created'] = 'Vaš račun je kreiran. Molimo provjerite svoj e-mail za informacije o prijavi u sustav.';
$lang['message_action_cancelled'] = 'Radnja poništena';
$lang['message_all_actions_successfull'] = 'Sve radnje su završene uspješno';
$lang['message_an_email_has_been_sent'] = 'E-mail je poslan na vašu email adresu sa linkom koji morate posjetiti kako bi resetirali lozinku.';
$lang['message_anonymous_view'] = 'Prebačeni ste u anonimni mod za gledanje';
$lang['message_are_you_sure_remove'] = 'Da li ste sigurni da želite to ukloniti?';
$lang['message_authorized'] = 'Odobreno';
$lang['message_category_successfully_added'] = 'Kategorija uspješno dodana';
$lang['message_category_successfully_deleted'] = 'Kategorija uspješno izbrisana';
$lang['message_category_successfully_updated'] = 'Kategorija uspješno izmjenjena';
$lang['message_click_to_checkout_document'] = 'Kliknite kako bi ste odjavili odabrani dokument i počeli ga skidati na vaš kompjuter';
$lang['message_config_value_problem'] = 'Postoji problem sa jednom od konfiguriranih opcija. Molimo provjerite.';
$lang['message_current'] = 'Trenutno';
$lang['message_datadir_problem'] = 'Postoji problem sa vašim dataDir. Provjerite da li postoji i da se u njega može zapisivati';
$lang['message_datadir_problem_exists'] = 'Postoji problem sa postavkama dataDir. Direktorij nije pronađen, provjerite da li postoji.';
$lang['message_datadir_problem_writable'] = 'Postoji problem sa postavkama dataDir. U direktorij nije moguće vršiti zapisivanje.';
$lang['message_department_successfully_added'] = 'Odjel uspješno dodan';
$lang['message_department_successfully_updated'] = 'Odjel uspješno izmjenjen';
$lang['message_directory_creation_failed'] = 'Kreiranje direktorija neuspješno';
$lang['message_document_added'] = 'Dokument uspješno dodan';
$lang['message_document_checked_in'] = 'Dokument uspješno prijavljen';
$lang['message_document_checked_out_to_you'] = 'Lista trenutno odjavljenih dokumenata za vaš korisnički račun';
$lang['message_document_has_been_archived'] = 'Dokument je arhiviran';
$lang['message_documents_expired'] = 'Dokumenti sa isteklim rokom';
$lang['message_documents_rejected'] = 'Odbijeni dokumenti';
$lang['message_document_successfully_deleted'] = 'Dokument uspješno izbrisan';
$lang['message_documents_waiting'] = 'Dokumenti na čekanju za odobrenje';
$lang['message_error_performing_action'] = 'Pojavila se greška u izvođenju tražene radnje';
$lang['message_file_authorized'] = 'Odobravanje datoteke uspješno izvršeno';
$lang['message_file_does_not_exist'] = 'Datoteka ne postoji ili postoji neki problem sa datotekom.';
$lang['message_file_expired'] = 'Istekao rok trajanja datoteke';
$lang['message_file_rejected'] = 'Odbacivanje datoteke uspješno dovršeno';
$lang['message_folder_error_check'] = 'Greška u direktoriju. Provjerite zadnju poruku u statusnoj traci za više detalja.';
$lang['message_folder_perms_error'] = 'Greška u dozvolama direktorija:';
$lang['message_for_further_assistance'] = 'za daljnu pomoć';
$lang['message_found_documents'] = 'pronašao dokument(e)';
$lang['message_if_you_are_unable_to_view'] = 'Ako iz nekog razloga niste u mogućnosti, kliknite <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Skini"> kako bi ste skinuli odabrani dokument i sačuvali ga na vaš kompjuter.';
$lang['message_initial_import'] = 'Početni uvoz';
$lang['message_last_message'] = 'Posljednja poruka';
$lang['message_latest_version'] = 'Najnovija verzija';
$lang['message_need_one_department'] = 'Potrebno je odabrati barem jedan odjel';
$lang['message_no_author_comments_available'] = 'Autorov komentar nije dostupan';
$lang['message_no_description_available'] = 'Opis nije dostupan';
$lang['message_no_documents_checked_out'] = 'Trenutno niti jedan dokument nije vama izdan.';
$lang['message_no_files_found'] = 'Datoteke nisu pronađene';
$lang['message_no_information_available'] = 'Informacija nije dostupna';
$lang['message_non_unique_account'] = 'Račun nije jedinstven';
$lang['message_non_unique_key'] = 'Ključ u bazi nije jedinstven.';
$lang['message_nothing_to_do'] = 'Ništa za raditi';
$lang['message_not_writeable'] = 'Nije moguće zapisati!';
$lang['message_once_the_document_has_completed'] = 'Kada se završi skidanje dokumenta, možete';
$lang['message_original_version'] = 'Originalna verzija';
$lang['message_please_email'] = 'Molimo pošaljite e-mail';
$lang['message_please_upload_valid_doc'] = 'Molimo učitajte ispravan dokument';
$lang['message_record_exists'] = 'Unos već postoji. Probajte ponovo sa drugom vrijednosti.';
$lang['message_rejected'] = 'Odbijeno';
$lang['message_rejecting_files'] = 'Odbacujem datoteke koje su zadnji puta promjenjene prije';
$lang['message_reviewers_comments_re_rejection'] = 'Pregledavačev komentar glede odbacivanja';
$lang['message_session_error'] = 'Greška sesije. Molimo prijavite se ponovo.';
$lang['message_set_your_new_password'] = 'Postavite novu lozinku koristeći formular ispod.';
$lang['message_sorry_demo_mode'] = 'Žao nam je, demo verzija samo, ne možete to uraditi!';
$lang['message_sorry_not_allowed'] = 'Žao nam je, nije vam dozvoljeno to uraditi!';
$lang['message_that_filetype_not_supported'] = 'Taj tip datoteke trenutno nije podržan.<p>Molimo učitajte dokument koji odgovara jednom od niže navedenih tipova dokumenata ili dodajte tip dokumenta ( MIMETYPE ) u ';
$lang['message_the_code_you_are_using'] = 'Kod koji pokuÅ¡avate iskoristiti za resetiranje vaÅ¡e lozinke viÅ¡e nije vrijedeći.  Molimo koristite ovaj formular kako bi ste resetirali lozinku.';
$lang['message_the_file_is_too_large'] = 'Datoteka je prevelika. Molimo provjerite postavke programa OpenDocMan. Maksimalna veličina je';
$lang['message_the_file_is_too_large_php_ini'] = 'Datoteka je prevelika za vaš php server. Provjerite svoju php.ini konfiguraciju za maksimalnu veličinu. Trenutna maksimalna veličina je: ';
$lang['message_there_was_an_error_loggin_you_in'] = 'Pojavila se greška u prijavi u sustav. Molimo pokušajte ponovo.';
$lang['message_there_was_an_error_performing_the_action'] = 'Pojavila se greška u izvođenju tražene radnje.';
$lang['message_the_username_you_entered'] = 'Korisničko ime koje ste unijeli nije pronađeno u našem sistemu. Kontaktirajte nas ako ste zaboravili svoje korisničko ime.';
$lang['message_this_file_cannot_be_checked_in'] = 'Ova datoteka ne može biti prijavljena';
$lang['message_this_file_cannot_be_uploaded'] = 'Ova datoteka ne može biti ispravno učitana';
$lang['message_this_operation_cannot_be_done_file'] = 'Ova operacija se ne može izvrišiti na toj datoteci';
$lang['message_this_operation_cannot_be_done_rev'] = 'Ova operacija se ne može koristiti na reviziji datoteke';
$lang['message_this_page_requires_root'] = 'Ova stranica zahtjeva root razinu dozvola';
$lang['message_this_site_has_high_security'] = 'Ova stranica koristi visoku razinu zaÅ¡tite i ne možemo dohvatiti vaÅ¡u lozinku za vas. Možete koristiti ovaj formular kako bi ste resetirali svoju lozinku.  Unesite svoje korisničko ime i poslat ćemo vam e-mail sa web adresom koju morate pratiti kako bi ste resetirali svoju lozinku.  Tek tada možete postaviti željenu lozinku sami.';
$lang['message_to_view_your_file'] = 'Kako bi ste vidjeli svoju datoteku u novom prozoru';
$lang['message_udf_cannot_be_blank'] = 'Ime korisnički definiranog polja ne može biti prazno';
$lang['message_udf_successfully_added'] = 'Korisnički definirano polje uspješno dodano';
$lang['message_udf_successfully_deleted'] = 'Korisnički definirano polje uspješno izbrisano';
$lang['message_unable_to_determine_root'] = 'Nismo u mogućnosti očitati root korisnički račun. Molimo provjerite svoju konfiguraciju.';
$lang['message_unable_to_find_file'] = 'Tražena datoteka nije pronađena';
$lang['message_user_exists'] = 'Korisnik sa tim imenom trenutno postoji. Molimo <a href=\'signup.php\'>pokušajte ponovo</a>';
$lang['message_user_successfully_added'] = 'Korisnik uspješno dodan';
$lang['message_user_successfully_deleted'] = 'Korisnik uspješno izbrisan';
$lang['message_user_successfully_updated'] = 'Korisnik uspješno izmjenjen';
$lang['message_wrong_file_checkin'] = 'Pogrešna datoteka! Molimo prijavite ispravnu datoteku.';
$lang['message_you_are_not_administrator'] = 'Niste administrator!';
$lang['message_you_did_not_enter_value'] = 'Niste unijeli vrijednost!';
$lang['message_you_do_not_have_an_account'] = 'Trenutno nemate otvoren korisnički račun. Molimo kontaktirajte administratora kako bi ste zatražili korisnički račun.';
$lang['message_you_must_assign_rights'] = 'Morate dodjeliti dozvolu za gledanje/modificiranje datoteke barem jednom korisniku.';
$lang['message_your_password_has_been_changed'] = 'Vaša lozinka je promjenjena.';

$lang['view'] = $lang['label_view'];

Re: Multi language - Stephen - 05-03-2011

There was a typo in the croation translation. On the line:

$lang['label_search_term'] = 'Traži pojam`;

There is a backtick instead of a single quote on the end. I updated the code you submitted to fix that.


Re: Multi language - fanquanfang - 05-23-2011

dear Steve,
below is part of chinese simply translation, I'll continue later.
thanks for your opendocman.


// (C) 20010-2011 Stephen Lawrence Jr.
// Translated by: Stephen Lawrence Jr.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
$lang = array();
global $lang;

$lang['anonymous_link'] = 'Click here to view public files anonymously匿名查看公共文件点这里';
$lang['forgotpassword'] = 'Forgot your password?忘记密码?';
$lang['install_folder']  = 'Security Notice: If you already installed/updated then you should remove the \'install\' folder before proceeding安全注意:如果你已完成安装或升级请移除install目录';
$lang['signup'] = 'Sign-up for an account申请账号';
$lang['welcome'] = 'Welcome to OpenDocMan'欢迎进入OpenDocMan;
$lang['welcome2'] = 'Log in to begin using The system\'s powerful storage, publishing and revision control features.登录进来开始使用本系统强大的文档存储,发布和版本控制功能';
$lang['welcome_anonymous_title'] = 'OpenDocMan Anonymous Page: List All--OpenDocMan 匿名页:所有列表';
$lang['welcome_anonymous_h1'] = 'OpenDocMan Anonymous Page--OpenDocMan 匿名页';

$lang['action'] = 'Action行动';
$lang['all'] = 'All所有';
$lang['anonymous'] = 'Anonymous匿名';
$lang['author'] = 'Author作者';
$lang['category'] = 'Category分类';
$lang['choose'] = 'Choose选择';
$lang['date'] = 'Date日期';
$lang['days'] = 'days天';
$lang['department'] = 'Department部门';
$lang['edit'] = 'Edit编辑';
$lang['enter'] = 'Enter进入';
$lang['error'] = 'Error错误';
$lang['file'] = 'File文档';
$lang['help'] = 'Help帮助';
$lang['home'] = 'Home回家';
$lang['installer'] = 'Installer安装者';
$lang['list'] = 'List列表';
$lang['login'] = 'Login登录';
$lang['logout'] = 'Logout登出';
$lang['new'] = 'New新';
$lang['owner'] = 'Owner拥有者';
$lang['preferences'] = 'Preferences选择';
$lang['password'] = 'Password密码';
$lang['please'] = 'Please请';
$lang['profile'] = 'Profile外形';
$lang['public'] = 'Public'公共;
$lang['revision'] = 'Revision版本';
$lang['search'] = 'Search搜索';
$lang['select'] = 'Select选择';
$lang['sincerely'] = 'Sincerely真诚的';
$lang['submit'] = 'Submit提交';
$lang['time'] = 'Time时间';
$lang['type'] = 'Type类型';
$lang['updated'] = 'Updated更新';
$lang['username'] = 'Username用户名';
$lang['users'] = 'Users用户';
$lang['value'] = 'Value值';
$lang['view'] = 'View查看';

// Areas
$lang['area_add_new_category'] = 'Add New Category增加新类别';
$lang['area_add_new_department'] = 'Add New Department增加新部门';
$lang['area_add_new_file'] = 'Add New File增加新文档';
$lang['area_add_new_udf'] = 'Add New User Defined Field增加新用户定义域';
$lang['area_add_new_user'] = 'Add New User增加新用户';
$lang['area_admin'] = 'Administration管理';
$lang['area_check_in_file'] = 'Check-in File签入文档';
$lang['area_check_out_file'] = 'Check-out File签出文档';
$lang['area_choose_department'] = 'Choose Department选择部门';
$lang['area_delete_category'] = 'Delete Category删除类别';
$lang['area_deleted_files'] = 'Deleted Files已删除文档';
$lang['area_department_information'] = 'Department Information部门信息';
$lang['area_display_category'] = 'Display All Files In Category按分类显示所有文档';
$lang['area_document_listing'] = 'Document Listing文档列表';
$lang['area_file_delete'] = 'Delete File删除文档';
$lang['area_file_details'] = 'File Details文档详情';
$lang['area_file_expiration'] = 'File Expiration文档作废';
$lang['area_personal_profile'] = 'Personal Profile个人情况';
$lang['area_reset_password'] = 'Reset Password初始化密码';
$lang['area_update_category'] = 'Update Category变更分类';
$lang['area_update_department'] = 'Update Department变更部门';
$lang['area_update_file'] = 'Update File变更文档';
$lang['area_view_category'] = 'View Category查看分类';

// Buttons
$lang['button_add_category'] = 'Add Category增加分类';
$lang['button_add_department'] = 'Add Department增加部门';
$lang['button_add_document'] = 'Add Document增加文档';
$lang['button_authorize'] = 'Authorize授权';
$lang['button_back'] = 'Back退回';
$lang['button_cancel'] = 'Cancel暂停';
$lang['button_check_in'] = 'Check-in签入';
$lang['button_clear_status'] = 'Clear Status清除状态';
$lang['button_click_here'] = 'Click Here点这里';
$lang['button_continue'] = 'Continue继续';
$lang['button_delete'] = 'Delete删除';
$lang['button_delete_files'] = 'Delete Files删除文档';
$lang['button_display_category'] = 'Display All Files In This Category显示本分类所有文档';
$lang['button_modify_category'] = 'Modify Category修改分类';
$lang['button_modify_department'] = 'Modify Department修改部门';
$lang['button_reject'] = 'Reject退回';
$lang['button_reset'] = 'Reset复位';
$lang['button_resubmit_for_review'] = 'Re-Submit For Review重新提交评审';
$lang['button_save'] = 'Save保存';
$lang['button_undelete'] = 'Undelete反删除';
$lang['button_update'] = 'Update修订';
$lang['button_view_department'] = 'View Department查看部门';
$lang['button_yes'] = 'Yes是';

$lang['email_added_to_repository'] = 'added to repository增加存储';
$lang['email_a_new_file_has_been_added'] = 'A new file has been added新增一个文档';
$lang['email_a_new_file_has_been_rejected'] = 'A new file has been rejected新文档被退回';
$lang['email_automated_document_messenger'] = 'Automated Document Messenger自动文档来信';
$lang['email_because_you_did_not_revise'] = 'because you did not revise it for more than因为你未修改已超过';
$lang['email_comments_regarding_review'] = 'Comments regarding your review of the document对你的文档进行评审的意见';
$lang['email_email_all_users'] = 'E-mail all users对所有用户发送邮件';
$lang['email_email_these_users'] = 'E-mail theses users对这些用户发送邮件';
$lang['email_email_whole_department'] = 'E-mail whole department对所有部门发送邮件';
$lang['email_file_expired'] = 'A File Has Expired一个文档作废';
$lang['email_file_was_rejected_because'] = 'Your file was rejected because you did not revise it for more than你的文档被退回因为你没有修改以超过';
$lang['email_file_was_rejected_expired'] = 'Your file has expired. Please update the file as soon as possible. Your file may be inaccessible until you do.你的文档已作废,请尽快更新文档,你的文档可能在你更新前不能查阅';
$lang['email_for_the_following_reasons'] = 'for the following reasons因以下原因';
$lang['email_greeting'] = 'Dear author亲爱的作者';
$lang['email_i_would_like_to_inform'] = 'I would like to inform you that我很高兴通知你';
$lang['email_note_to_authors'] = 'Note to Author(s)对作者的注释';
$lang['email_revision_days'] = 'Maximum number of days before expiration:最大有效天数';
$lang['email_salute'] = 'Sincerely真诚的';
$lang['email_someone_has_requested_password'] = 'Someone has requested a password reset.  If you wish to reset your password please follow the link below.  If you do not wish to reset your password then simply do nothing and disregard this email.';
$lang['email_status_expired'] = 'Status: Expired';
$lang['email_subject_review_status'] = 'Review status for document ';
$lang['email_subject'] = 'Subject';
$lang['email_thank_you'] = 'Thank You';
$lang['email_to'] = 'To';
$lang['email_was_declined_for_publishing_at'] = 'Was declined for publishing at';
$lang['email_was_rejected_from_repository'] = 'Was rejected from repository';
$lang['email_you_can_now_login'] = 'You can now log into your account at this page';
$lang['email_your_account_created'] = 'your document management account was created at';
$lang['email_your_file_has_been_authorized'] = 'Your file has been authorized for publication';

// Labels
$lang['label_active'] = 'Active';
$lang['label_add'] = 'Add';
$lang['label_admin'] = 'Admin';
$lang['label_allowed'] = 'Allowed';
$lang['label_all_departments'] = 'All Departments';
$lang['label_assign_to'] = 'Assign To';
$lang['label_author'] = 'Author';
$lang['label_browse_by'] = 'Filter by:';
$lang['label_case_sensitive'] = 'Case Sensitive';
$lang['label_checked_out_files'] = 'Checked-Out Files';
$lang['label_check_expiration'] = 'Check Expiration';
$lang['label_comment'] = 'Comment';
$lang['label_created_date'] = 'Date Created';
$lang['label_default_for_unset'] = 'Default Setting for Unset Department';
$lang['label_delete'] = 'Delete';
$lang['label_delete_undelete'] = 'Delete/Undelete';
$lang['label_department_authority'] = 'Deptartments Authority';
$lang['label_department'] = 'Department';
$lang['label_departments'] = 'Departments';
$lang['label_department_to_modify'] = 'Department to modify';
$lang['label_description'] = 'Description';
$lang['label_display'] = 'Display';
$lang['label_email_address'] = 'E-Mail Address';
$lang['label_empty'] = 'Empty';
$lang['label_exact_phrase'] = 'Exact Phrase';
$lang['label_example'] = 'Example';
$lang['label_file_archive'] = 'File Archive';
$lang['label_file_category'] = 'File Category';
$lang['label_file_listing'] = 'Files List';
$lang['label_file_location'] = 'File Location';
$lang['label_file_maintenance'] = 'File Maintenance';
$lang['label_filename'] = 'Filename';
$lang['label_filetype'] = 'File Type';
$lang['label_filetypes'] = 'File Types';
$lang['label_file_name'] = 'File Name';
$lang['label_first_name'] = 'First Name';
$lang['label_forbidden'] = 'Forbidden';
$lang['label_found_documents'] = 'found document(s)';
$lang['label_id'] = 'ID';
$lang['label_is_admin'] = 'Is Admin';
$lang['label_is_reviewer'] = 'Is Reviewer';
$lang['label_last_name'] = 'Last Name';
$lang['label_moderation'] = 'Moderation';
$lang['label_modified_date'] = 'Modified Date';
$lang['label_modify'] = 'Modify';
$lang['label_name'] = 'Name';
$lang['label_new_password'] = 'New Password';
$lang['label_next'] = 'Next';
$lang['label_note_for_revision_log'] = 'Note for revision log';
$lang['label_page'] = 'Page';
$lang['label_phone_number'] = 'Phone Number';
$lang['label_plugins'] = 'Plug-Ins';
$lang['label_prev'] = 'Previous';
$lang['label_read'] = 'Read';
$lang['label_reassign_to'] = 'Re-assign To';
$lang['label_rejected_files'] = 'Rejected Files';
$lang['label_rejections'] = 'Rejections';
$lang['label_reviewer_for'] = 'Dept. reviewer for';
$lang['label_reviewer'] = 'Reviewer';
$lang['label_reviews'] = 'Reviews';
$lang['label_rights'] = 'Rights';
$lang['label_run_expiration'] = 'Run Expiration Utility';
$lang['label_search_term'] = 'Search term';
$lang['label_select_a_department'] = 'Select a department';
$lang['label_select_departments'] = 'Select departments';
$lang['label_select_one'] = 'Select one';
$lang['label_settings'] = 'Settings';
$lang['label_size'] = 'Size';
$lang['label_specific_permissions'] = 'Specific User Permissions (use ctrl-click or cmd-click)';
$lang['label_status'] = 'Status';
$lang['label_update'] = 'Update';
$lang['label_user_defined_fields'] = 'User Defined Fields';
$lang['label_user_defined_field'] = 'User Defined Field';
$lang['label_users_in_department'] = 'Users in this department';
$lang['label_user'] = 'User';
$lang['label_view'] = 'View';

// Messages
$lang['message_account_created_add_user'] = 'Your account has been created.';
$lang['message_account_created_password'] = 'Your randomly generated password is';
$lang['message_account_created'] = 'Your account has been created. Please check your email for login information.';
$lang['message_action_cancelled'] = 'Action Cancelled';
$lang['message_all_actions_successfull'] = 'All actions completed successfully';
$lang['message_an_email_has_been_sent'] = 'An email has been sent to the email address on file with a link that must be followed in order to reset the password.';
$lang['message_anonymous_view'] = 'You have been switched to anonymous view mode';
$lang['message_are_you_sure_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this?';
$lang['message_authorized'] = 'Authorized';
$lang['message_category_successfully_added'] = 'Category successfully added';
$lang['message_category_successfully_deleted'] = 'Category successfully deleted';
$lang['message_category_successfully_updated'] = 'Category successfully updated';
$lang['message_click_to_checkout_document'] = 'Click to check out the selected document and begin downloading it to your local workstation';
$lang['message_config_value_problem'] = 'There is a problem with one of your configuration values. Please check.';
$lang['message_current'] = 'Current';
$lang['message_datadir_problem'] = 'There is a problem with your dataDir. Check to make sure it exists and is writeable';
$lang['message_datadir_problem_exists'] = 'There is a problem with your dataDir setting. It does not appear to exist.';
$lang['message_datadir_problem_writable'] = 'There is a problem with your dataDir setting. It does not appear to be writeable to the web server.';
$lang['message_department_successfully_added'] = 'Department successfully added';
$lang['message_department_successfully_updated'] = 'Department successfully updated';
$lang['message_directory_creation_failed'] = 'Directory Creation Failed';
$lang['message_document_added'] = 'Document successfully added';
$lang['message_document_checked_in'] = 'Document successfully checked in';
$lang['message_document_checked_out_to_you'] = 'Documents currently checked out by you';
$lang['message_document_has_been_archived'] = 'Document has been archived';
$lang['message_documents_expired'] = 'Documents expired';
$lang['message_documents_rejected'] = 'Documents rejected';
$lang['message_document_successfully_deleted'] = 'Document successfully deleted';
$lang['message_documents_waiting'] = 'Documents waiting to be reviewed';
$lang['message_error_performing_action'] = 'There was an error performing the request action';
$lang['message_file_authorized'] = 'File authorization completed successfully';
$lang['message_file_does_not_exist'] = 'File does not exist or there is a problem with the file.';
$lang['message_file_expired'] = 'File Expired';
$lang['message_file_rejected'] = 'File rejection completed successfully';
$lang['message_folder_error_check'] = 'Folder Error. Check Last Message in status bar for details.';
$lang['message_folder_perms_error'] = 'Folder Permissions Error:';
$lang['message_for_further_assistance'] = 'for further assistance';
$lang['message_found_documents'] = 'found document(s)';
$lang['message_if_you_are_unable_to_view'] = 'If you are not able to do so for some reason, click <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Download"> to download the selected document and begin downloading it to your local workstation for local view.';
$lang['message_initial_import'] = 'Initial Import';
$lang['message_last_message'] = 'Last Message';
$lang['message_latest_version'] = 'Latest version';
$lang['message_need_one_department'] = 'You need at least one department';
$lang['message_no_author_comments_available'] = 'No author comments available';
$lang['message_no_description_available'] = 'No description available';
$lang['message_no_documents_checked_out'] = 'No documents are currently checked out to you.';
$lang['message_no_files_found'] = 'No Files Found';
$lang['message_no_information_available'] = 'No information available';
$lang['message_non_unique_account'] = 'Non-Unique account';
$lang['message_non_unique_key'] = 'Non-Unique key in database.';
$lang['message_nothing_to_do'] = 'Nothing to do';
$lang['message_not_writeable'] = 'Not Writeable!';
$lang['message_once_the_document_has_completed'] = 'Once the document has completed downloading, you may';
$lang['message_original_version'] = 'Original version';
$lang['message_please_email'] = 'Please email';
$lang['message_please_upload_valid_doc'] = 'Please upload a valid document';
$lang['message_record_exists'] = 'Record already exists. Try again with a different value.';
$lang['message_rejected'] = 'Rejected';
$lang['message_rejecting_files'] = 'Rejecting files last edited before';
$lang['message_reviewers_comments_re_rejection'] = 'Reviewers comments regarding rejection';
$lang['message_session_error'] = 'Session error. Please login again.';
$lang['message_set_your_new_password'] = 'Set your new password using the form below.';
$lang['message_sorry_demo_mode'] = 'Sorry, demo mode only, you can not do that!';
$lang['message_sorry_not_allowed'] = 'Sorry, you are not allowed do to that!';
$lang['message_that_filetype_not_supported'] = 'That file type is not currently supported.<p>Please upload a document conforming to any of the following file types or add the missing MIMETYPE to ';
$lang['message_the_code_you_are_using'] = 'The code you are trying to use to reset your password is no longer valid.  Please use this form to reset your password.';
$lang['message_the_file_is_too_large'] = 'The file is too large. Check your OpenDocMan settings. Maximum size is';
$lang['message_the_file_is_too_large_php_ini'] = 'The file is too large for your php server. Check your php.ini configuration for max upload/post/memory. Maximum size is currently: ';
$lang['message_there_was_an_error_loggin_you_in'] = 'There was an error loggin you in. Please try again.';
$lang['message_there_was_an_error_performing_the_action'] = 'There was an error performing the requested action.';
$lang['message_the_username_you_entered'] = 'The username you entered was not found in our system.  Contact us if you have forgotten your username.';
$lang['message_this_file_cannot_be_checked_in'] = 'This file cannot be checked in';
$lang['message_this_file_cannot_be_uploaded'] = 'This file cannot be uploaded properly';
$lang['message_this_operation_cannot_be_done_file'] = 'This operation cannot be done on this file';
$lang['message_this_operation_cannot_be_done_rev'] = 'This operation cannot be done to a revision of a file';
$lang['message_this_page_requires_root'] = 'This page requires root level permission';
$lang['message_this_site_has_high_security'] = 'This site has a high level of security and we cannot retrieve your password for you.  You can use this form to reset your password.  Enter your username and we will send an email to the email address on file with a link that you must follow to reset your password.  At that point you may set it to anything you wish.';
$lang['message_to_view_your_file'] = 'To view your file in a new window';
$lang['message_udf_cannot_be_blank'] = 'The UDF name cannot be blank';
$lang['message_udf_successfully_added'] = 'User defined field successfully added';
$lang['message_udf_successfully_deleted'] = 'User defined field successfully deleted';
$lang['message_unable_to_determine_root'] = 'Unable to determine the root username. Please check your configuration.';
$lang['message_unable_to_find_file'] = 'Unable to find the requested file';
$lang['message_user_exists'] = 'That user already exists. Please <a href=\'signup.php\'>try again</a>';
$lang['message_user_successfully_added'] = 'User successfully added';
$lang['message_user_successfully_deleted'] = 'User successfully deleted';
$lang['message_user_successfully_updated'] = 'User successfully updated';
$lang['message_wrong_file_checkin'] = 'Wrong file! Please check in the right file.';
$lang['message_you_are_not_administrator'] = 'You are not an administrator';
$lang['message_you_did_not_enter_value'] = 'You did not enter a value!';
$lang['message_you_do_not_have_an_account'] = 'You do not currently have an account. Please contact the administrator to request one.';
$lang['message_you_must_assign_rights'] = 'You must assign view/modify rights to at least one user.';
$lang['message_your_password_has_been_changed'] = 'Your password has been changed.';

$lang['view'] = $lang['label_view'];

Re: Multi language - Stephen - 05-23-2011

Thanks, your parcial Chinese has been added to our 1.2.6 beta.

Re: Multi language - fanquanfang - 05-26-2011

Please see below for the full Chinese simplified translation, and let me know if it showed properly on your page.

// (C) 20010-2011 Stephen Lawrence Jr.
// Translated by: Stephen Lawrence Jr.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
$lang = array();
global $lang;

$lang['anonymous_link'] = '匿名查看公共文件点这里';
$lang['forgotpassword'] = '忘记密码?';
$lang['install_folder']  = '安全注意:如果你已完成安装或升级请移除install目录';
$lang['signup'] = '申请账号';
$lang['welcome'] = '欢迎进入OpenDocMan';
$lang['welcome2'] = '登录进来开始使用本系统强大的文档存储,发布和版本控制功能';
$lang['welcome_anonymous_title'] = '匿名页:所有列表 ';
$lang['welcome_anonymous_h1'] = '匿名页 ';

$lang['action'] = '行动';
$lang['all'] = '所有';
$lang['anonymous'] = '匿名';
$lang['author'] = '作者';
$lang['category'] = '分类';
$lang['choose'] = '选择';
$lang['date'] = '日期';
$lang['days'] = '天';
$lang['department'] = '部门';
$lang['edit'] = '编辑';
$lang['enter'] = '进入';
$lang['error'] = '错误';
$lang['file'] = '文档';
$lang['help'] = '帮助';
$lang['home'] = '回家';
$lang['installer'] = '安装者';
$lang['list'] = '列表';
$lang['login'] = '登录';
$lang['logout'] = '登出';
$lang['new'] = '新';
$lang['owner'] = '拥有者';
$lang['preferences'] = '选择';
$lang['password'] = '密码';
$lang['please'] = '请';
$lang['profile'] = '外形';
$lang['public'] = '公共';
$lang['revision'] = '版本';
$lang['search'] = '搜索';
$lang['select'] = '选择';
$lang['sincerely'] = '真诚的';
$lang['submit'] = '提交';
$lang['time'] = '时间';
$lang['type'] = '类型';
$lang['updated'] = '更新';
$lang['username'] = '用户名';
$lang['users'] = '用户';
$lang['value'] = '值';
$lang['view'] = '查看';

// Areas
$lang['area_add_new_category'] = '增加新类别';
$lang['area_add_new_department'] = '增加新部门';
$lang['area_add_new_file'] = '增加新文档';
$lang['area_add_new_udf'] = '增加新用户定义域';
$lang['area_add_new_user'] = '增加新用户';
$lang['area_admin'] = '管理';
$lang['area_check_in_file'] = '签入文档';
$lang['area_check_out_file'] = '签出文档';
$lang['area_choose_department'] = '选择部门';
$lang['area_delete_category'] = '删除类别';
$lang['area_deleted_files'] = '已删除文档';
$lang['area_department_information'] = '部门信息';
$lang['area_display_category'] = '按分类显示所有文档';
$lang['area_document_listing'] = '文档列表';
$lang['area_file_delete'] = '删除文档';
$lang['area_file_details'] = '文档详情';
$lang['area_file_expiration'] = '文档作废';
$lang['area_personal_profile'] = '个人情况';
$lang['area_reset_password'] = '初始化密码';
$lang['area_update_category'] = '变更分类';
$lang['area_update_department'] = '变更部门';
$lang['area_update_file'] = '变更文档';
$lang['area_view_category'] = '查看分类';

// Buttons
$lang['button_add_category'] = '增加分类';
$lang['button_add_department'] = '增加部门';
$lang['button_add_document'] = '增加文档';
$lang['button_authorize'] = '授权';
$lang['button_back'] = '退回';
$lang['button_cancel'] = '取消';
$lang['button_check_in'] = '签入';
$lang['button_clear_status'] = 'lear Status清除状态';
$lang['button_click_here'] = '点这里';
$lang['button_continue'] = '继续';
$lang['button_delete'] = '删除';
$lang['button_delete_files'] = '删除文档';
$lang['button_display_category'] = '显示本分类所有文档';
$lang['button_modify_category'] = '修改分类';
$lang['button_modify_department'] = '修改部门';
$lang['button_reject'] = '退回';
$lang['button_reset'] = '重置';
$lang['button_resubmit_for_review'] = '重新提交评审';
$lang['button_save'] = '保存';
$lang['button_undelete'] = '反删除';
$lang['button_update'] = '修订';
$lang['button_view_department'] = '查看部门';
$lang['button_yes'] = '是';

$lang['email_added_to_repository'] = '增加存储';
$lang['email_a_new_file_has_been_added'] = '新增一个文档';
$lang['email_a_new_file_has_been_rejected'] = '新文档被退回';
$lang['email_automated_document_messenger'] = '自动文档来信';
$lang['email_because_you_did_not_revise'] = '因为你未修改已超过';
$lang['email_comments_regarding_review'] = '对你的文档进行评审的意见';
$lang['email_email_all_users'] = '对所有用户发送邮件';
$lang['email_email_these_users'] = '对这些用户发送邮件';
$lang['email_email_whole_department'] = '对所有部门发送邮件';
$lang['email_file_expired'] = '一个文档作废';
$lang['email_file_was_rejected_because'] = '你的文档被退回因为你没有修改以超过';
$lang['email_file_was_rejected_expired'] = '你的文档已作废,请尽快更新文档,你的文档可能在你更新前不能查阅';
$lang['email_for_the_following_reasons'] = '因以下原因';
$lang['email_greeting'] = '亲爱的作者';
$lang['email_i_would_like_to_inform'] = '我很高兴通知你';
$lang['email_note_to_authors'] = '对作者的注释';
$lang['email_revision_days'] = '最大有效天数:';
$lang['email_salute'] = '诚挚的';
$lang['email_someone_has_requested_password'] = '有人请求密码重置,如果你希望重置你的密码,请点击以下链接,否则请忽略本邮件';
$lang['email_status_expired'] = '状态:作废';
$lang['email_subject_review_status'] = '文档评审状态';
$lang['email_subject'] = '标题';
$lang['email_thank_you'] = '谢谢你';
$lang['email_to'] = '至';
$lang['email_was_declined_for_publishing_at'] = '不再予以发行';
$lang['email_was_rejected_from_repository'] = '从文库中退回';
$lang['email_you_can_now_login'] = '现在可从本页登录你的账号';
$lang['email_your_account_created'] = '你的文档管理账号已经产生';
$lang['email_your_file_has_been_authorized'] = '你的文档已经授权发行';

// Labels
$lang['label_active'] = '活动的';
$lang['label_add'] = '增加';
$lang['label_admin'] = '管理员';
$lang['label_allowed'] = '允许';
$lang['label_all_departments'] = '所有部门';
$lang['label_assign_to'] = '分发给';
$lang['label_author'] = '作者';
$lang['label_browse_by'] = '过滤:';
$lang['label_case_sensitive'] = '大小写敏感';
$lang['label_checked_out_files'] = '签出文档';
$lang['label_check_expiration'] = '检查作废';
$lang['label_comment'] = '评语';
$lang['label_created_date'] = '产生日期';
$lang['label_default_for_unset'] = '未设部门缺省设置';
$lang['label_delete'] = '删除';
$lang['label_delete_undelete'] = '删除/反删除';
$lang['label_department_authority'] = '部门授权';
$lang['label_department'] = '部门';
$lang['label_departments'] = '部门';
$lang['label_department_to_modify'] = '要修改的部门';
$lang['label_description'] = '描述';
$lang['label_display'] = '显示';
$lang['label_email_address'] = '电子邮件地址';
$lang['label_empty'] = '空';
$lang['label_exact_phrase'] = '准确短语';
$lang['label_example'] = '例子';
$lang['label_file_archive'] = '归档';
$lang['label_file_category'] = '文档分类';
$lang['label_file_listing'] = '文档清单';
$lang['label_file_location'] = '文档位置';
$lang['label_file_maintenance'] = '文档维护';
$lang['label_filename'] = '文件名';
$lang['label_filetype'] = '文件类型';
$lang['label_filetypes'] = '文件类型';
$lang['label_file_name'] = '文件名';
$lang['label_first_name'] = '名';
$lang['label_forbidden'] = '禁止';
$lang['label_found_documents'] = '发现文档';
$lang['label_id'] = '识别号';
$lang['label_is_admin'] = '是管理员';
$lang['label_is_reviewer'] = '是评审者';
$lang['label_last_name'] = '姓';
$lang['label_moderation'] = '中等';
$lang['label_modified_date'] = '修改日期';
$lang['label_modify'] = '修改';
$lang['label_name'] = '名称';
$lang['label_new_password'] = '新密码';
$lang['label_next'] = '后';
$lang['label_note_for_revision_log'] = '修订日志';
$lang['label_page'] = '页';
$lang['label_phone_number'] = '电话号码';
$lang['label_plugins'] = '插件';
$lang['label_prev'] = '前';
$lang['label_read'] = '读';
$lang['label_reassign_to'] = '重指定';
$lang['label_rejected_files'] = '退回文档';
$lang['label_rejections'] = '退回';
$lang['label_reviewer_for'] = '评审部门';
$lang['label_reviewer'] = '评审人';
$lang['label_reviews'] = '评审';
$lang['label_rights'] = '权';
$lang['label_run_expiration'] = '运行废除功能';
$lang['label_search_term'] = '搜索词';
$lang['label_select_a_department'] = '选一个部门';
$lang['label_select_departments'] = '选多个部门';
$lang['label_select_one'] = '选一个';
$lang['label_settings'] = '设置';
$lang['label_size'] = '大小';
$lang['label_specific_permissions'] = '指定用户许可(用ctrl+点击)';
$lang['label_status'] = '状态';
$lang['label_update'] = '修改';
$lang['label_user_defined_fields'] = '用户定义域';
$lang['label_user_defined_field'] = '用户定义域';
$lang['label_users_in_department'] = '该部门用户';
$lang['label_user'] = '用户';
$lang['label_view'] = '查看';

// Messages
$lang['message_account_created_add_user'] = '你的账号已经产生';
$lang['message_account_created_password'] = '你的随机密码是';
$lang['message_account_created'] = '你的账号已经产生,请检查邮件获得登录信息';
$lang['message_action_cancelled'] = '行动取消';
$lang['message_all_actions_successfull'] = '所有活动成功完成';
$lang['message_an_email_has_been_sent'] = '为了重置密码,请接收邮件并点击链接激活';
$lang['message_anonymous_view'] = '你已经切换至匿名查看模式';
$lang['message_are_you_sure_remove'] = '确信去除吗?';
$lang['message_authorized'] = '授权';
$lang['message_category_successfully_added'] = '分类成功创建';
$lang['message_category_successfully_deleted'] = '分类成功删除';
$lang['message_category_successfully_updated'] = '分类成功修改';
$lang['message_click_to_checkout_document'] = '点击签出所选文档并下载至本地工作站';
$lang['message_config_value_problem'] = '你的配置值有问题,请检查';
$lang['message_current'] = '当前';
$lang['message_datadir_problem'] = '你的数据目录有问题,请检查其存在并可写';
$lang['message_datadir_problem_exists'] = '你的数据目录设置有问题,可能不存在';
$lang['message_datadir_problem_writable'] = '你的数据目录设置有问题,可能不能在服务器中写入';
$lang['message_department_successfully_added'] = '部门成功加入';
$lang['message_department_successfully_updated'] = '部门成功更新';
$lang['message_directory_creation_failed'] = '增加目录失败';
$lang['message_document_added'] = '文档成功增加';
$lang['message_document_checked_in'] = '文档成功签入';
$lang['message_document_checked_out_to_you'] = '文档当前被你签出';
$lang['message_document_has_been_archived'] = '文档已归档';
$lang['message_documents_expired'] = '文档作废';
$lang['message_documents_rejected'] = '文档退回';
$lang['message_document_successfully_deleted'] = '文档成功删除';
$lang['message_documents_waiting'] = '文档等待评审';
$lang['message_error_performing_action'] = '执行请求行动时有错误';
$lang['message_file_authorized'] = '文档成功授权';
$lang['message_file_does_not_exist'] = '文档不存在或有问题';
$lang['message_file_expired'] = '文档已作废';
$lang['message_file_rejected'] = '文档成功退回';
$lang['message_folder_error_check'] = '文件夹错误,查看状态栏中的信息以获得详情';
$lang['message_folder_perms_error'] = '文件夹授权错误';
$lang['message_for_further_assistance'] = '以便进一步提供帮助';
$lang['message_found_documents'] = '已发现文档';
$lang['message_if_you_are_unable_to_view'] = '如果应为某些原因你不能这样做,点击<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Download">按钮下载文档至你的本地工作站以便查看';
$lang['message_initial_import'] = '初始载入';
$lang['message_last_message'] = '上一消息';
$lang['message_latest_version'] = '上一版本';
$lang['message_need_one_department'] = '你至少需要一个部门';
$lang['message_no_author_comments_available'] = '没有作者评语';
$lang['message_no_description_available'] = '没有描述';
$lang['message_no_documents_checked_out'] = '你当前没有签出文档';
$lang['message_no_files_found'] = '没有发现文档';
$lang['message_no_information_available'] = '没有信息';
$lang['message_non_unique_account'] = '非唯一账号';
$lang['message_non_unique_key'] = '非唯一键';
$lang['message_nothing_to_do'] = '没有';
$lang['message_not_writeable'] = '不可写!';
$lang['message_once_the_document_has_completed'] = '当文档下载完毕,你可以';
$lang['message_original_version'] = '原始版本';
$lang['message_please_email'] = '请电邮';
$lang['message_please_upload_valid_doc'] = '请上传有效文档';
$lang['message_record_exists'] = '记录已存在,请用其他值试一下';
$lang['message_rejected'] = '退回';
$lang['message_rejecting_files'] = '退回上一编辑前文档';
$lang['message_reviewers_comments_re_rejection'] = '评审者对于退回的评语';
$lang['message_session_error'] = '会话错,请重新登录';
$lang['message_set_your_new_password'] = '用下表设置新的密码';
$lang['message_sorry_demo_mode'] = '对不起,只是演示版本,你不能做这个';
$lang['message_sorry_not_allowed'] = '对不起,你不允许做这个';
$lang['message_that_filetype_not_supported'] = '该文档类型当前不支持.<p>请上传以下文档类型或增加MIMETYPE至';
$lang['message_the_code_you_are_using'] = '你请求重置密码的暗语无效,请用下表重置密码';
$lang['message_the_file_is_too_large'] = '文档太大,检查你的opendocman设置,最大文档为';
$lang['message_the_file_is_too_large_php_ini'] = '文档超出php服务器设置,检查php.ini配置的最大上传/传递/存储值. 当前最大值为: ';
$lang['message_there_was_an_error_loggin_you_in'] = '你登录有问题,请重试';
$lang['message_there_was_an_error_performing_the_action'] = '执行请求行动是有问题';
$lang['message_the_username_you_entered'] = '你录入的用户名在系统中未发现,如果你忘了用户名请与我们联系';
$lang['message_this_file_cannot_be_checked_in'] = '这个文档不能签入';
$lang['message_this_file_cannot_be_uploaded'] = '这个文档不能正确上传';
$lang['message_this_operation_cannot_be_done_file'] = '对这个文档的操作不能实行';
$lang['message_this_operation_cannot_be_done_rev'] = '对文档的修订的这个操作不能实行';
$lang['message_this_page_requires_root'] = '这个页面需要根级授权';
$lang['message_this_site_has_high_security'] = '这个区域有高级安全限制,我们不能为你获得密码。你可以下表来重置密码输入你的用户名,我们将按文档的邮件地址发送电子邮件传递链接来重置你的密码,那时你可再设为任何你想要的密码';
$lang['message_to_view_your_file'] = '在新窗口中查看你的文档';
$lang['message_udf_cannot_be_blank'] = '用户定义域名称不能为空';
$lang['message_udf_successfully_added'] = '用户定义域成功加入';
$lang['message_udf_successfully_deleted'] = '用户定义域成功删除';
$lang['message_unable_to_determine_root'] = '不能确定根用户,请检查你的配置';
$lang['message_unable_to_find_file'] = '不能找到请求文档';
$lang['message_user_exists'] = '这个用户名已经存在,请<a href=\'signup.php\'>重试</a>';
$lang['message_user_successfully_added'] = '用户成功加入';
$lang['message_user_successfully_deleted'] = '用户成功删除';
$lang['message_user_successfully_updated'] = '用户成功更新';
$lang['message_wrong_file_checkin'] = '错误文档,请签入正确文档';
$lang['message_you_are_not_administrator'] = '你不是管理员';
$lang['message_you_did_not_enter_value'] = '你没有输入值';
$lang['message_you_do_not_have_an_account'] = '你目前没有账号,请联系管理员申请';
$lang['message_you_must_assign_rights'] = '你必须给至少一个用户指定查看/修改的权力';
$lang['message_your_password_has_been_changed'] = '你的密码已经修改';

$lang['view'] = $lang['label_view'];

Re: Multi language - Stephen - 05-26-2011

Looks good from here, I see chinese characters.

Re: Multi language - Mikeyy - 06-28-2011

Few changes in Croatian translation and 1 line change in index.php, just added meta tag utf-8 since I was getting garbage on main page when having croatian characters somewhere.

Re: Multi language - Stephen - 06-28-2011


I compared your file to the current SVN version and the text in the translations seems a lot different.

For example:
$lang['label_read'] = 'Čitaj';
$lang['label_read'] = 'Čitaj';

Re: Multi language - Mikeyy - 06-28-2011

That shouldn't be happening. Not sure why it did, I saved it as UTF-8. Maybe because of zipped files!?

Anyway, did you consider web based collborative translation tool?

I see you added one more string to translation files, that string is not included here.

Here is just copy/paste:
// (C) 20010-2011 Stephen Lawrence Jr.
// Translated by: Mihovil Stanić
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
$lang = array();
global $lang;

$lang['anonymous_link'] = 'Kliknite ovdje kako bi ste anonimno gledali javne datoteke';
$lang['forgotpassword'] = 'Zaboravili ste lozinku?';
$lang['install_folder']  = 'Sigurnosno upozorenje: Ako ste već instalirali/nadogradili program, trebali bi ste izbrisati \'install\' direktorij prije nego nastavite dalje';
$lang['signup'] = 'Registrirajte račun';
$lang['welcome'] = 'Dobro došli u OpenDocMan.';
$lang['welcome2'] = 'Prijavite se kako bi ste počeli koristiti moćnu sistemsku pohranu podataka, objavljivanje i kontrolu promjena nad datotekama.';
$lang['welcome_anonymous_title'] = 'OpenDocMan Anonimna Stranica: Prikaži sve';
$lang['welcome_anonymous_h1'] = 'OpenDocMan Anonimna Stranica';

$lang['action'] = 'Akcija';
$lang['all'] = 'Sve';
$lang['anonymous'] = 'Anonimno';
$lang['author'] = 'Autor';
$lang['category'] = 'Kategorija';
$lang['choose'] = 'Izaberi';
$lang['date'] = 'Datum';
$lang['days'] = 'dana';
$lang['department'] = 'Odjel';
$lang['edit'] = 'Promjeni';
$lang['enter'] = 'Prijavi se';
$lang['error'] = 'Greška';
$lang['file'] = 'Datoteka';
$lang['help'] = 'Pomoć';
$lang['home'] = 'Početna';
$lang['installer'] = 'Instalacija';
$lang['list'] = 'Lista';
$lang['login'] = 'Prijava';
$lang['logout'] = 'Odjava';
$lang['new'] = 'Novi';
$lang['owner'] = 'Vlasnik';
$lang['preferences'] = 'Opcije';
$lang['password'] = 'Lozinka';
$lang['please'] = 'Molim';
$lang['profile'] = 'Profil';
$lang['public'] = 'Javno';
$lang['revision'] = 'Revizija';
$lang['search'] = 'Pretraži';
$lang['select'] = 'Izaberi';
$lang['sincerely'] = 'Iskreno';
$lang['submit'] = 'Pošalji';
$lang['time'] = 'Vrijeme';
$lang['type'] = 'Tip';
$lang['updated'] = 'Obnovljeno';
$lang['username'] = 'Korisničko ime';
$lang['users'] = 'Korisnici';
$lang['value'] = 'Vrijednost';
$lang['view'] = 'Pogledaj';

// Areas
$lang['area_add_new_category'] = 'Dodaj novu kategoriju';
$lang['area_add_new_department'] = 'Dodaj novi odjel';
$lang['area_add_new_file'] = 'Dodaj novu datoteku';
$lang['area_add_new_udf'] = 'Dodaj novo korisnicko polje';
$lang['area_add_new_user'] = 'Dodaj novog korisnika';
$lang['area_admin'] = 'Administracija';
$lang['area_check_in_file'] = 'Prijavi datoteku';
$lang['area_check_out_file'] = 'Odjavi datoteku';
$lang['area_choose_department'] = 'Izaberi odjel';
$lang['area_delete_category'] = 'Izbriši kategoriju';
$lang['area_deleted_files'] = 'Izbrisane datoteke';
$lang['area_department_information'] = 'Informacije o odjelu';
$lang['area_display_category'] = 'Prikaži sve datoteke u kategoriji';
$lang['area_document_listing'] = 'Lista dokumenata';
$lang['area_file_delete'] = 'Izbriši datoteku';
$lang['area_file_details'] = 'Detalji o datoteci';
$lang['area_file_expiration'] = 'Istek trajanja datoteke';
$lang['area_personal_profile'] = 'Osobni profil';
$lang['area_reset_password'] = 'Resetiraj lozinku';
$lang['area_update_category'] = 'Promjeni kategoriju';
$lang['area_update_department'] = 'Promjeni odjel';
$lang['area_update_file'] = 'Promjeni datoteku';
$lang['area_view_category'] = 'Pogledaj kategoriju';

// Buttons
$lang['button_add_category'] = 'Dodaj kategoriju';
$lang['button_add_department'] = 'Dodaj odjel';
$lang['button_add_document'] = 'Dodaj dokument';
$lang['button_authorize'] = 'Autoriziraj';
$lang['button_back'] = 'Nazad';
$lang['button_cancel'] = 'Odustani';
$lang['button_check_in'] = 'Prijavi';
$lang['button_clear_status'] = 'Očisti status';
$lang['button_click_here'] = 'Klikni ovdje';
$lang['button_continue'] = 'Nastavi';
$lang['button_delete'] = 'Obriši';
$lang['button_delete_files'] = 'Obriši datoteke';
$lang['button_display_category'] = 'Prikaži sve datoteke u ovoj kategoriji';
$lang['button_modify_category'] = 'Promjeni kategoriju';
$lang['button_modify_department'] = 'Promjeni odjel';
$lang['button_reject'] = 'Odbaci';
$lang['button_reset'] = 'Resetiraj';
$lang['button_resubmit_for_review'] = 'Ponovo pošalji na pregled';
$lang['button_save'] = 'Sačuvaj';
$lang['button_undelete'] = 'Po-vrati datoteke';
$lang['button_update'] = 'Obnovi';
$lang['button_view_department'] = 'Pogledaj odjel';
$lang['button_yes'] = 'Da';

$lang['email_added_to_repository'] = 'dodano u repozitorij';
$lang['email_a_new_file_has_been_added'] = 'Nova datoteka je dodana';
$lang['email_a_new_file_has_been_rejected'] = 'Nova datoteka je odbijena';
$lang['email_automated_document_messenger'] = 'Automatizirani sustav poruka';
$lang['email_because_you_did_not_revise'] = 'zato što ga niste izmjenili više od';
$lang['email_comments_regarding_review'] = 'Komentari na vaš pregled dokumenta';
$lang['email_email_all_users'] = 'Pošalji e-mail svim korisnicima';
$lang['email_email_these_users'] = 'Pošalji e-mail ovim korisnicima';
$lang['email_email_whole_department'] = 'Pošalji e-mail cijelom odjelu';
$lang['email_file_expired'] = 'Datoteci je istekao rok';
$lang['email_file_was_rejected_because'] = 'Vaša datoteka je odbijena zato što je niste izmjenili više od';
$lang['email_file_was_rejected_expired'] = 'Vašoj datoteci je istekao rok. Molimo obnovite datoteku što je prije moguće. Vaša datoteka možda neće biti dostupna dok je ne obnovite.';
$lang['email_for_the_following_reasons'] = 'iz slijedećih razloga';
$lang['email_greeting'] = 'Dragi autore';
$lang['email_i_would_like_to_inform'] = 'Želio bih vas obavjestiti da';
$lang['email_note_to_authors'] = 'Poruka autoru(ima)';
$lang['email_revision_days'] = 'Maksimalni broj dana prije isticanja roka:';
$lang['email_salute'] = 'Srdačan';
$lang['email_someone_has_requested_password'] = 'Netko je zatražio resetiranje lozinke.  Ako želite resetirati lozinku molimo pratite link ispod.  Ako ne želite resetirati svoju lozinku nemojte niÅ¡ta raditi i zanemarite ovaj e-mail.';
$lang['email_status_expired'] = 'Status: Istekao rok';
$lang['email_subject_review_status'] = 'Status pregleda dokumenta ';
$lang['email_subject'] = 'Naslov';
$lang['email_thank_you'] = 'Hvala';
$lang['email_to'] = 'Prima';
$lang['email_was_declined_for_publishing_at'] = 'Odbijen je za objavljivanje u';
$lang['email_was_rejected_from_repository'] = 'Odbijen je iz repozitorija';
$lang['email_you_can_now_login'] = 'Možete se prijaviti u svoj račun na ovoj stranici';
$lang['email_your_account_created'] = 'vaš račun za upravljanje dokumenti je napravljen u';
$lang['email_your_file_has_been_authorized'] = 'Vaša datoteka je odobrena za objavljivanje';

// Labels
$lang['label_active'] = 'Aktivno';
$lang['label_add'] = 'Dodaj';
$lang['label_admin'] = 'Administrator';
$lang['label_allowed'] = 'Dozvoljeno';
$lang['label_all_departments'] = 'Svi odjeli';
$lang['label_assign_to'] = 'Dodjeli korisniku';
$lang['label_author'] = 'Autor';
$lang['label_browse_by'] = 'Filtriraj po:';
$lang['label_case_sensitive'] = 'Osjetljivo na velika/mala slova';
$lang['label_checked_out_files'] = 'Datoteke koje su izdane';
$lang['label_check_expiration'] = 'Provjeri istek roka trajanja';
$lang['label_comment'] = 'Komentar';
$lang['label_created_date'] = 'Datum kreiranja';
$lang['label_default_for_unset'] = 'Standardne postavke kada odjel nije odabran';
$lang['label_delete'] = 'Izbriši';
$lang['label_delete_undelete'] = 'Izbriši/Vrati izbrisano';
$lang['label_department_authority'] = 'Ovlasti odjela';
$lang['label_department'] = 'Odjel';
$lang['label_departments'] = 'Odjeli';
$lang['label_department_to_modify'] = 'Izmjeniti odjel';
$lang['label_description'] = 'Opis';
$lang['label_display'] = 'Prikaži';
$lang['label_email_address'] = 'E-Mail adresa';
$lang['label_empty'] = 'Prazno';
$lang['label_exact_phrase'] = 'Točni izraz';
$lang['label_example'] = 'Primjer';
$lang['label_file_archive'] = 'Arhiva datoteka';
$lang['label_file_category'] = 'Kategorija datoteka';
$lang['label_file_listing'] = 'Lista datoteka';
$lang['label_file_location'] = 'Lokacija datoteke';
$lang['label_file_maintenance'] = 'Održavanje datoteke';
$lang['label_filename'] = 'Naziv datoteke';
$lang['label_filetype'] = 'Tip datoteke';
$lang['label_filetypes'] = 'Tipovi datoteka';
$lang['label_file_name'] = 'Naziv datoteke';
$lang['label_first_name'] = 'Ime';
$lang['label_forbidden'] = 'Zabranjeno';
$lang['label_found_documents'] = 'pronašao dokument(e)';
$lang['label_id'] = 'BROJ';
$lang['label_is_admin'] = 'Administrator';
$lang['label_is_reviewer'] = 'Pregledavač';
$lang['label_last_name'] = 'Prezime';
$lang['label_moderation'] = 'Moderiranje';
$lang['label_modified_date'] = 'Datum promjene';
$lang['label_modify'] = 'Promjeni';
$lang['label_name'] = 'Naziv';
$lang['label_new_password'] = 'Nova lozinka';
$lang['label_next'] = 'Slijedeći';
$lang['label_note_for_revision_log'] = 'Poruka za revizijski dnevnik';
$lang['label_page'] = 'Stranica';
$lang['label_phone_number'] = 'Broj telefona';
$lang['label_plugins'] = 'Dodaci';
$lang['label_prev'] = 'Prošli';
$lang['label_read'] = 'Čitaj';
$lang['label_reassign_to'] = 'Ponovo dodjeli korisniku';
$lang['label_rejected_files'] = 'Odbijene datoteke';
$lang['label_rejections'] = 'Odbijenice';
$lang['label_reviewer_for'] = 'Pregledavač za odjel';
$lang['label_reviewer'] = 'Pregledavač';
$lang['label_reviews'] = 'Pregledani';
$lang['label_rights'] = 'Dozvole';
$lang['label_run_expiration'] = 'Pokreni program za rokove datoteka';
$lang['label_search_term'] = 'Traži pojam';
$lang['label_select_a_department'] = 'Odaberi odjel';
$lang['label_select_departments'] = 'Odaberi odjele';
$lang['label_select_one'] = 'Izaberi jedan';
$lang['label_settings'] = 'Postavke';
$lang['label_size'] = 'Veličina';
$lang['label_specific_permissions'] = 'Specifične korisničke dozvole (koristi ctrl-klik ili cmd-klik)';
$lang['label_status'] = 'Status';
$lang['label_update'] = 'Obnovi';
$lang['label_user_defined_fields'] = 'Korisnički definirana polja';
$lang['label_user_defined_field'] = 'Korisnički definirano polje';
$lang['label_users_in_department'] = 'Korisnici u ovom odjelu';
$lang['label_user'] = 'Korisnik';
$lang['label_view'] = 'Pogledaj';

// Messages
$lang['message_account_created_add_user'] = 'Vaš račun je kreiran.';
$lang['message_account_created_password'] = 'Vaša sustavom generirana lozinka je';
$lang['message_account_created'] = 'Vaš račun je kreiran. Molimo provjerite svoj e-mail za informacije o prijavi u sustav.';
$lang['message_action_cancelled'] = 'Radnja poništena';
$lang['message_all_actions_successfull'] = 'Sve radnje su završene uspješno';
$lang['message_an_email_has_been_sent'] = 'E-mail je poslan na vašu email adresu sa linkom koji morate posjetiti kako bi resetirali lozinku.';
$lang['message_anonymous_view'] = 'Prebačeni ste u anonimni mod za gledanje';
$lang['message_are_you_sure_remove'] = 'Da li ste sigurni da želite to ukloniti?';
$lang['message_authorized'] = 'Odobreno';
$lang['message_category_successfully_added'] = 'Kategorija uspješno dodana';
$lang['message_category_successfully_deleted'] = 'Kategorija uspješno izbrisana';
$lang['message_category_successfully_updated'] = 'Kategorija uspješno izmjenjena';
$lang['message_click_to_checkout_document'] = 'Kliknite kako bi ste odjavili odabrani dokument i počeli ga skidati na vaš kompjuter';
$lang['message_config_value_problem'] = 'Postoji problem sa jednom od konfiguriranih opcija. Molimo provjerite.';
$lang['message_current'] = 'Trenutno';
$lang['message_datadir_problem'] = 'Postoji problem sa vašim dataDir. Provjerite da li postoji i da se u njega može zapisivati';
$lang['message_datadir_problem_exists'] = 'Postoji problem sa postavkama dataDir. Direktorij nije pronađen, provjerite da li postoji.';
$lang['message_datadir_problem_writable'] = 'Postoji problem sa postavkama dataDir. U direktorij nije moguće vršiti zapisivanje.';
$lang['message_department_successfully_added'] = 'Odjel uspješno dodan';
$lang['message_department_successfully_updated'] = 'Odjel uspješno izmjenjen';
$lang['message_directory_creation_failed'] = 'Kreiranje direktorija neuspješno';
$lang['message_document_added'] = 'Dokument uspješno dodan';
$lang['message_document_checked_in'] = 'Dokument uspješno prijavljen';
$lang['message_document_checked_out_to_you'] = 'Lista trenutno odjavljenih dokumenata za vaš korisnički račun';
$lang['message_document_has_been_archived'] = 'Dokument je arhiviran';
$lang['message_documents_expired'] = 'Dokumenti sa isteklim rokom';
$lang['message_documents_rejected'] = 'Odbijeni dokumenti';
$lang['message_document_successfully_deleted'] = 'Dokument uspješno izbrisan';
$lang['message_documents_waiting'] = 'Dokumenti na čekanju za odobrenje';
$lang['message_error_performing_action'] = 'Pojavila se greška u izvođenju tražene radnje';
$lang['message_file_authorized'] = 'Odobravanje datoteke uspješno izvršeno';
$lang['message_file_does_not_exist'] = 'Datoteka ne postoji ili postoji neki problem sa datotekom.';
$lang['message_file_expired'] = 'Istekao rok trajanja datoteke';
$lang['message_file_rejected'] = 'Odbacivanje datoteke uspješno dovršeno';
$lang['message_folder_error_check'] = 'Greška u direktoriju. Provjerite zadnju poruku u statusnoj traci za više detalja.';
$lang['message_folder_perms_error'] = 'Greška u dozvolama direktorija:';
$lang['message_for_further_assistance'] = 'za daljnu pomoć';
$lang['message_found_documents'] = 'pronašao dokument(e)';
$lang['message_if_you_are_unable_to_view'] = 'Ako iz nekog razloga niste u mogućnosti, kliknite <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Download"> kako bi ste skinuli odabrani dokument i sačuvali ga na vaš kompjuter.';
$lang['message_initial_import'] = 'Početni uvoz';
$lang['message_last_message'] = 'Posljednja poruka';
$lang['message_latest_version'] = 'Najnovija verzija';
$lang['message_need_one_department'] = 'Potrebno je odabrati barem jedan odjel';
$lang['message_no_author_comments_available'] = 'Autorov komentar nije dostupan';
$lang['message_no_description_available'] = 'Opis nije dostupan';
$lang['message_no_documents_checked_out'] = 'Trenutno niti jedan dokument nije vama izdan.';
$lang['message_no_files_found'] = 'Datoteke nisu pronađene';
$lang['message_no_information_available'] = 'Informacija nije dostupna';
$lang['message_non_unique_account'] = 'Račun nije jedinstven';
$lang['message_non_unique_key'] = 'Ključ u bazi nije jedinstven.';
$lang['message_nothing_to_do'] = 'Ništa za raditi';
$lang['message_not_writeable'] = 'Nije moguće zapisati!';
$lang['message_once_the_document_has_completed'] = 'Kada se završi skidanje dokumenta, možete';
$lang['message_original_version'] = 'Originalna verzija';
$lang['message_please_email'] = 'Molimo pošaljite e-mail';
$lang['message_please_upload_valid_doc'] = 'Molimo učitajte ispravan dokument';
$lang['message_record_exists'] = 'Unos već postoji. Probajte ponovo sa drugom vrijednosti.';
$lang['message_rejected'] = 'Odbijeno';
$lang['message_rejecting_files'] = 'Odbacujem datoteke koje su zadnji puta promjenjene prije';
$lang['message_reviewers_comments_re_rejection'] = 'Pregledavačev komentar glede odbacivanja';
$lang['message_session_error'] = 'Greška sesije. Molimo prijavite se ponovo.';
$lang['message_set_your_new_password'] = 'Postavite novu lozinku koristeći formular ispod.';
$lang['message_sorry_demo_mode'] = 'Žao nam je, demo verzija samo, ne možete to uraditi!';
$lang['message_sorry_not_allowed'] = 'Žao nam je, nije vam dozvoljeno to uraditi!';
$lang['message_that_filetype_not_supported'] = 'Taj tip datoteke trenutno nije podržan.<p>Molimo učitajte dokument koji odgovara jednom od niže navedenih tipova dokumenata ili dodajte tip dokumenta ( MIMETYPE ) u ';
$lang['message_the_code_you_are_using'] = 'Kod koji pokuÅ¡avate iskoristiti za resetiranje vaÅ¡e lozinke viÅ¡e nije vrijedeći.  Molimo koristite ovaj formular kako bi ste resetirali lozinku.';
$lang['message_the_file_is_too_large'] = 'Datoteka je prevelika. Molimo provjerite postavke programa OpenDocMan. Maksimalna veličina je';
$lang['message_the_file_is_too_large_php_ini'] = 'Datoteka je prevelika za vaš php server. Provjerite svoju php.ini konfiguraciju za maksimalnu veličinu. Trenutna maksimalna veličina je: ';
$lang['message_there_was_an_error_loggin_you_in'] = 'Pojavila se greška u prijavi u sustav. Molimo pokušajte ponovo.';
$lang['message_there_was_an_error_performing_the_action'] = 'Pojavila se greška u izvođenju tražene radnje.';
$lang['message_the_username_you_entered'] = 'Korisničko ime koje ste unijeli nije pronađeno u našem sistemu. Kontaktirajte nas ako ste zaboravili svoje korisničko ime.';
$lang['message_this_file_cannot_be_checked_in'] = 'Ova datoteka ne može biti prijavljena';
$lang['message_this_file_cannot_be_uploaded'] = 'Ova datoteka ne može biti ispravno učitana';
$lang['message_this_operation_cannot_be_done_file'] = 'Ova operacija se ne može izvrišiti na toj datoteci';
$lang['message_this_operation_cannot_be_done_rev'] = 'Ova operacija se ne može koristiti na reviziji datoteke';
$lang['message_this_page_requires_root'] = 'Ova stranica zahtjeva root razinu dozvola';
$lang['message_this_site_has_high_security'] = 'Ova stranica koristi visoku razinu zaÅ¡tite i ne možemo dohvatiti vaÅ¡u lozinku za vas. Možete koristiti ovaj formular kako bi ste resetirali svoju lozinku.  Unesite svoje korisničko ime i poslat ćemo vam e-mail sa web adresom koju morate pratiti kako bi ste resetirali svoju lozinku.  Tek tada možete postaviti željenu lozinku sami.';
$lang['message_to_view_your_file'] = 'Kako bi ste vidjeli svoju datoteku u novom prozoru';
$lang['message_udf_cannot_be_blank'] = 'Ime korisnički definiranog polja ne može biti prazno';
$lang['message_udf_successfully_added'] = 'Korisnički definirano polje uspješno dodano';
$lang['message_udf_successfully_deleted'] = 'Korisnički definirano polje uspješno izbrisano';
$lang['message_unable_to_determine_root'] = 'Nismo u mogućnosti očitati root korisnički račun. Molimo provjerite svoju konfiguraciju.';
$lang['message_unable_to_find_file'] = 'Tražena datoteka nije pronađena';
$lang['message_user_exists'] = 'Korisnik sa tim imenom trenutno postoji. Molimo <a href=\'signup.php\'>pokušajte ponovo</a>';
$lang['message_user_successfully_added'] = 'Korisnik uspješno dodan';
$lang['message_user_successfully_deleted'] = 'Korisnik uspješno izbrisan';
$lang['message_user_successfully_updated'] = 'Korisnik uspješno izmjenjen';
$lang['message_wrong_file_checkin'] = 'Pogrešna datoteka! Molimo prijavite ispravnu datoteku.';
$lang['message_you_are_not_administrator'] = 'Niste administrator!';
$lang['message_you_did_not_enter_value'] = 'Niste unijeli vrijednost!';
$lang['message_you_do_not_have_an_account'] = 'Trenutno nemate otvoren korisnički račun. Molimo kontaktirajte administratora kako bi ste zatražili korisnički račun.';
$lang['message_you_must_assign_rights'] = 'Morate dodjeliti dozvolu za gledanje/modificiranje datoteke barem jednom korisniku.';
$lang['message_your_password_has_been_changed'] = 'Vaša lozinka je promjenjena.';

$lang['view'] = $lang['label_view'];

Re: Multi language - Stephen - 06-29-2011

I am open to suggestions on better ways of doing the translations. I am trying to stay away from solutions that require Internet access because many users are behind a firewall and do not allow their DMS to contact the Internet.