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Full Version: Revision History not working
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I created a WAMP server & installed OpenDocMan "community" 1.3.4, database version 1.3.0

All is basically working execpet I'm now attempting to retrieve prior versions.
I have 3 versions of the same document, but can't check out prior versions.

From "History", the URL is this:

When I click at "1", the URL is this:

When I click "view", the URL is this:

"To view your file in the new window Click Here", the copied link address is this:

That link seems to regularly provide me with the "latest version".
The Download button provides the same latest version

In my data folder:

I can see there are 1_0.dat and files, which when renamed w/ a proper extension are the proper versions.

///If I use this workaround & copy the pasted link into my browser, I download get the proper file

Copy Link from: "To view your file in the new window Click Here"
and retrieve this link:

Edit that link to replace id=1 with this:

Then the first revision of the file downloads.

Any thoughts on whether I need to edit PHP to fix this or if I'm just missing something?