Im getting the following problem when i login url error.php?ec=0
You are here: Error
But logged in as is blank. Clicking on anything takes me back to the login page with user name and password
Any help will be appreciated. Nothing in the apache logs
I'm seeing the exact same problem. Any updates on this?
From my side no, Im still down.
No idea on how to proceed
So here is what I have done to make this working.
Backuped data and database. also dumped the DB table odm_data separately.
Did a new clean install form scratch. DB & Page
Then restored the data repository, and then restored the odm_data into the new database overwriting the odm_data in the new database.
Now I can login and get hold of my data with the new admin user I setup
At least this way I can still get my data
I think I have found the problem. It must have something to do the the ID for the admin user. I can replicated the problem by changing the user ID to 2. 2 is the ID i normally use and I get the same problem again. If I change the ID back to 1 in the DB I can login again. Hope this helps someone
Go to ODM_user db
Empty password field of the user you wanna log in with.
Log in with no password after save it to db table.
Set password newly. Fixed.
-ODM_USER Table -> Remove passwd from the user you wanna log in
-Save table
-log in with blank passwd
- set passwd newly in the UI
-> done
This doesnt work for me, I still get the loop back to the login page. :cry: