Community Support for OpenDocMan (Deprecated)

Full Version: OpenDocMan Released
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OpenDocMan hotfix, has been released which includes the following changes:
  • Issue #74 - Undefined variable: modified_date in /var/www/doc/functions.php on line 383 Issue[/list:u]
    • #75 - Notice: Undefined variable: id in check-in.php Issue[/list:u]
I should thank you because of your great DMS that is the best in my opinion.
But I have some issues that made me so confused
i will so grateful if you help me solve this issues:

1- I want to see my UDF in the list of home page. In other words the UDF only appears in the view page of each document but i want it to be seen in the home page and in the list of all documents as a column(such az author, department and ...). How can i do that???

2- I want to be able to Filter the result list by the UDF. for example the filters that we can work with, only are department, author and file category but i want to add my UDFs to the filter list. But How?

3- the UDF values don't include in the search results. how can i fix that?

I use the latest version of odm
Thanks in Advance, Dude...