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Full Version: Details.php
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Small correction is details.php , downloaded latest version from trunk at sourceforge today.

Closing </tr> tag was used before <th></th><td></td> which caused wrong placement of file size, larger row size.
Minor thing, but was looking at that code for plugin so I noticed it. Now it's all in line.

Lines 164-166 in new details.php, not sure which one in old.

details.php - display file information  check for session
Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Stephen Lawrence Jr., Khoa Nguyen, Jon Miner
Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Stephen Lawrence Jr.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

//$_SESSION['uid']=102; $_REQUEST['id']=75;
if (!isset($_SESSION['uid']))
    header('Location:index.php?redirection=' . urlencode( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) );

// in case this file is accessed directly - check for $_REQUEST['id']
if (!isset($_REQUEST['id']) || $_REQUEST['id'] == "")

$lrequest_id = $_REQUEST['id']; //save an original copy of id
if(strchr($_REQUEST['id'], '_') )
    list($_REQUEST['id'], $lrevision_id) = explode('_' , $_REQUEST['id']);
    @draw_status_bar(msg('area_file_details') . ' ' . msg('revision'). ' #' . $lrevision_id,$_REQUEST['last_message']);
        $filesize = display_filesize($GLOBALS['CONFIG']['revisionDir'] . $_REQUEST['id'] . '/' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '_' . $lrevision_id . '.dat');
$filedata = new FileData($_REQUEST['id'], $GLOBALS['connection'], DB_NAME);
checkUserPermission($_REQUEST['id'], $filedata->VIEW_RIGHT);
$user = new User_Perms($_SESSION['uid'], $GLOBALS['connection'], DB_NAME);

$userPermObj = new UserPermission($_SESSION['uid'] , $GLOBALS['connection'], DB_NAME);
$user_obj = new user($filedata->getOwner(), $GLOBALS['connection'], DB_NAME);
$secureurl = new phpsecureurl;

<table border="0" width=80% cellspacing="4" cellpadding="1">
// display details
$ownerId = $filedata->getOwner();
$category = $filedata->getCategoryName();
$owner_fullname = $filedata->getOwnerFullName();
$owner = $owner_fullname[1].', '.$owner_fullname[0];
$realname = $filedata->getName();
$created = $filedata->getCreatedDate();
$description = $filedata->getDescription();
$comment = $filedata->getComment();
$status = $filedata->getStatus();
$reviewer = $filedata->getReviewerName();
// corrections
if ($description == '')
    $description = msg('message_no_description_available');

if ($comment == '')
    $comment = msg('message_no_author_comments_available');

$reviewer_comments_str = $filedata->getReviewerComments();
$reviewer_comments_fields = explode(';', $reviewer_comments_str);

for($i = 0; $i< sizeof($reviewer_comments_fields); $i++)
    $reviewer_comments_fields[$i] = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $reviewer_comments_fields[$i]);
    $reviewer_comments_fields[$i] = str_replace('\\', '', $reviewer_comments_fields[$i]);

if(isset($reviewer_comments_fields[2]) && strlen($reviewer_comments_fields[2]) <= strlen('Comments='))
    $reviewer_comments_fields[2] = 'Comments=This file does not meet the requirement.  Please fix it and resubmit for review again.';
    $reviewer_comments_fields[2] = '';

if(isset($reviewer_comments_fields[1]) && strlen($reviewer_comments_fields[1]) <= strlen('Subject='))
    $reviewer_comments_fields[1] = 'Subject=Comments regarding the review for you documentation';
    $reviewer_comments_fields[1] = '';

if(isset($reviewer_comments_fields[0]) && strlen($reviewer_comments_fields[0]) <= strlen('to='))
    $reviewer_comments_fields[0] = 'To=Author(s)';
    $reviewer_comments_fields[0] = '';

        $filename = $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['archiveDir'] . $_REQUEST['id'] . '.dat';    
        $filesize = display_filesize($filename);    
    $filename = $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['dataDir'] . $_REQUEST['id'] . '.dat';

    if (!isset($filesize))
        $filesize = display_filesize($filename);
<FORM name="data">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="to" value="<?php echo substr($reviewer_comments_fields[0], 3) ?>">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="subject" value="<?php echo substr($reviewer_comments_fields[1], 8) ?>">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="comments" value="<?php echo substr($reviewer_comments_fields[2], 9) ?>">
<td align="right">
// display red or green icon depending on file status
if ($status == 0  && $user->canWrite($_REQUEST['id']))
    echo '<img src="images/file_unlocked.png" alt="" border="0" align="absmiddle">';
    echo '<img src="images/file_locked.png" alt="" border="0" align="absmiddle">';
<td align="left"><font size="+1"><?php echo $realname; ?></font></td>
<th valign=top align=right><?php echo msg('category')?>:</th><td><?php echo $category; ?></td>
<th valign=top align=right><?php echo msg('label_size')?>:</th><td> <?php echo $filesize; ?></td>

<th valign=top align=right><?php echo msg('label_created_date')?>:</th><td> <?php echo fix_date($created); ?></td>

<th valign=top align=right><?php echo msg('owner')?>:</th><td>
<?php echo ' <A href="mailto:' . $user_obj->getEmailAddress() . ' ?Subject=Regarding%20your%20document:  ' . $realname . ' &Body=Hello%20 ' . $owner_fullname[0] . '"> ' . $owner . '</A> ';?></td>

<th valign=top align=right><?php echo msg('label_description')?>:</th><td> <?php echo $description; ?></td>

<th valign=top align=right><?php echo msg('label_comment')?>:</th><td> <?php echo $comment; ?></td>

<th valign=top align=right><?php echo msg('revision')?>:</th><td>
        if( $lrevision_id == 0)
            echo msg('message_original_version');
            echo $lrevision_id;
        echo msg('message_latest_version');

if($filedata->isPublishable() ==-1 )
    echo('<tr><th valign=top align=right>Reviewer:</th><td>');
    echo $reviewer;
    echo(" (<A HREF='javascript:showMessage()'>" .msg('message_reviewers_comments_re_rejection') . "</A>)");
if ($status > 0)
    // status != 0 -> file checked out to another user. status = uid of the check-out person
    // query to find out who...
    $checkout_person_obj = $filedata->getCheckerOBJ();

        <th valign=top align=right>Checked out to:</th><td>
        $fullname = $checkout_person_obj->getFullName();
    echo ' <A href="mailto:' . $checkout_person_obj->getEmailAddress() . ' ?Subject=Regarding%20your%20checked-out%20document:  ' . $realname . ' &Body=Hello%20 ' . $fullname[0] . '"> ' . $fullname[1] . ', ' . $fullname[0] . '</A> ';

// Call the plugin API
<!-- available actions -->
<td colspan="2" align="center">
<table border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5">
<!-- inner table begins -->
<!-- view option available at all time, place it outside the block -->
if($userPermObj->getAuthority($_REQUEST['id']) >= $userPermObj->READ_RIGHT)
<td align="center"><a href="<?php echo $secureurl->encode("view_file.php?id=$lrequest_id" . '&state=' . ($_REQUEST['state']+1)); ?>"><img src="images/view.png" title="View" alt="View" border="0"></a></td>

if ($status == 0 || ($status == -1 && $filedata->isOwner($_SESSION['uid']) ) )
    // status = 0 -> file available for checkout
    // check if user has modify rights
    $query2 = "SELECT status FROM {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}data, {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}user_perms WHERE {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}user_perms.fid = '$_REQUEST[id]' AND {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}user_perms.uid = '$_SESSION[uid]' AND {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}user_perms.rights = '2' AND {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}data.status = '0' AND {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']} = {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}user_perms.fid";
    $result2 = mysql_query($query2, $GLOBALS['connection']) or die ("Error in query: $query2. " . mysql_error());
    $user_perms = new UserPermission($_SESSION['uid'], $GLOBALS['connection'], DB_NAME);
    if($user_perms->getAuthority($_REQUEST['id'])>=$user_perms->WRITE_RIGHT && !isset($lrevision_id) && !$filedata->isArchived())
        // if so, display link for checkout
<td align="center"><a href="<?php echo $secureurl->encode("check-out.php?id=$lrequest_id" . '&state=' . ($_REQUEST['state']+1) . '&access_right=modify');?>"><img src="images/check-out.png" title="Check Out" alt="Check Out" border="0"></a></td>

    if ($userPermObj->getAuthority($_REQUEST['id']) >= $userPermObj->ADMIN_RIGHT && !@isset($lrevision_id)  && !$filedata->isArchived())
        // if user is also the owner of the file AND file is not checked out
        // additional actions are available
<td align="center"><a href="<?php echo $secureurl->encode("edit.php?id=$_REQUEST[id]&state=" . ($_REQUEST['state']+1));?>"><img src="images/edit.png" title="Edit" alt="Edit" border="0"></a></td>
       <td align="center"><a href="javascript:my_delete()"><img src="images/delete.png" title="Delete" alt="Delete" border="0"></a></td>
////end if ($status == 0)
// ability to view revision history is always available
// put it outside the block
<td align="center"><a href="<?php echo $secureurl->encode("history.php?id=$lrequest_id&state=" . ($_REQUEST['state']+1)); ?>"><img src="images/revision.png" title="History" alt="History" border="0"><br></a></td>

<!-- inner table ends -->

<script type="text/javascript">
    var message_window;
    var mesg_window_frm;
    function my_delete()
        if(window.confirm("Are you sure?")) {    
        window.location = "<?php echo $secureurl->encode('delete.php?mode=tmpdel&id0=' . $_REQUEST['id']); ?>";    
    function sendFields()
        mesg_window_frm = message_window.document.author_note_form; =;
        mesg_window_frm.subject.value =;
        mesg_window_frm.comments.value =;
    function showMessage()
        message_window ='toBePublished.php?submit=comments', 'comment_wins', 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,copyhistory=no,width=450,height=200');
        setTimeout("sendFields();", 500);

I updated SVN.