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Full Version: OpenDocMan cannot send mail SMTP returns 501 error
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Please help. I have noticed that emails are not being sent when approving files. When i go to the php error log the error returned is:

[27-Jan-2011 12:40:18] PHP Warning:  mail() [<a href='function.mail'>function.mail</a>]: SMTP server response: 501 Syntax error, parameters in command &quot;MAIL FROM:&lt;JMS Webmaster &lt;[email protected]&gt;&gt;&quot; unrecognized or missing in C:\wamp\www\tst\opendocman\toBePublished.php on line 378

[27-Jan-2011 12:40:18] PHP Warning:  mail() [<a href='function.mail'>function.mail</a>]: SMTP server response: 501 Syntax error, parameters in command &quot;MAIL FROM:&lt;JMS Webmaster &lt;[email protected]&gt;&gt;&quot; unrecognized or missing in C:\wamp\www\tst\opendocman\functions.php on line 275

im testing on windows environment and the same smtp sends emails fine with other applications on the server.
I will try to replicate the issue with 1.2.6beat. What version are you using?
i'm using version somewhere it seems to be adding its own MAIL FROM <> to the already formed header:
$mail_from='NAME <[email protected]>';
in php.

Can you try out 1.2.6beta and let me know if you have the same issue?
I tried in 1.2.6 beta and it sends the email with no problem. i've looked at the code and it seems quite similar with though i didn't dig deep.
Anyway it's ok since i see you are relying on the php mail() to send email but i'll implement swift mailer to send mail through smtp on the system i'm working on, since i may not have access to the configuration files on the production server. (Unless you had that too in mind of course)