I have attempted to install the OpenDocMan on both a Windows based server and a Linux based server and I'm getting the same error message on both.
Checking that templates_c folder is writeable... Not writeable - Fix and go Back
I am assuming that I have something in my config.php file wrong, but can't pinpoint it.
I cannot find the templates_c folder anywhere in the included folders with the install - to make it writeable.
Can anyone assist me with this?
I´ve been reading about this problem, but a cant´t solve.
Paste my config.php:
// Uncomment this one for WINDOWS - Don't forget the trailing backslash "/"
'dataDir' => 'c:/dataDir/',
// Uncomment this one for LINUX - Don't forget the trailing slash "/"
//'dataDir' => '/var/www/document_repository/',
The folder 'dataDir' is located in <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="fttp://myweb.es/httpdocs/">fttp://myweb.es/httpdocs/</a><!-- m -->
The installation folder for ODM is: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="fttp://myweb.es/httpdocs/Doc">fttp://myweb.es/httpdocs/Doc</a><!-- m -->
I don`t understand how to write de name of de 'dataDir'
Thank you.
I fixed this issue, but not sure why it needed to be fixed.
The install states the folder templates_c is not writeable. Upon looking through all the folders in the download, there is no templates_c folder anywhere to be found.
So, after two days of editing the config.php file with no success, I simply added the templates_c folder inside the OpenDocMan folder on my web server and re-initiated the install. It worked perfectly.
Not sure why the templates_c folder is not included in the download files and folders.
wow! and 2 years down the road the solution is still the same!
@wbhood: thanks for being persistent - perhaps opendocman would like to thank users like you too?
I updated the latest archives to contain the templates_c folder. Not sure how this one slipped through the cracks, but I guess it did.