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Full Version: kerberos authorization specifics?
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I've installed OpenDocMan in a University Environment.

Most of the other services I support use the University's Kerberos server to authenticate (& administer) user logins & passwords.
My only big problem with using this as my Document Repository is having to provide a separate user account & passowrd for
all of my users.

I noticed a mention in the config file about using kerbauth instead oy mysql for authorization. Can anyone point me to a concrete
example of how this would work?

Another option might be to use the kerberos apache authentication module to control access to the opendocman pages, but
an integrated kebreros solution would be better.

Thanks for any replies,

Originally the code was designed to work at UC-Davis. You can check the index.php file and see how it was working in there. Basically, it was requiring an authorization cookie to be set by the UCD kerberos system first, and once that was set, it would authenticate them using their info in the database.