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Full Version: MySQL username problem
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2007-05-07 03:57:23 PDT
My hosting site requires that MySQL usernames are in the format web80-name.

This causes problems once I've logged in as admin as the SQL is invalid e.g.

Error in query: SELECT web80-xxxman.user.username FROM web80-xxxman.user WHERE = 1You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-xxxman.user WHERE = 1' at line 1

Any ideas how to get around this problem?


2007-05-07 04:42:03 PDT
James -

I think the root of your problem is that I believe ODM currently does not support table name prefixes. It would be simple to fix, but would require that EVERY database query gets changed. Like this, using rough PHP syntax:

"SELECT * from user"

needs to be changed to:

"SELECT * from " . $prefix . "user"

In your case, $prefix would be set to "web80-"

The second problem, which causes the syntax error you reported above is that you have two dots "." in the name. As far as I know, there is only a single dot, separating the table name from the field name.

Valid: web80-user.username

Invalid: web80.user.username

Hope this helps. If there isn't already a feature request for table name prefixes, you might consider adding one.

2007-05-07 04:55:51 PDT
No this problem is that ODM create SQL like "SELECT schema.table.column from schema.table".

Where the schema includes a hyphen MySQL gets upset.

I have managed to get around the problem by setting the following in the config.php...

$GLOBALS['database'] = '`web80-xxxman`'; // Enter the name of the database here

$db = mysql_select_db('web80-xxxman', $GLOBALS['connection']);

This allow the select_db to run properly and when ODM creates it's SQL it uses the $GLOBAL['database'] which then produces correct SQL like SELECT `web80-xxxman`.user.username FROM `web80-xxxman`.users WHERE ....


2007-05-07 07:49:26 PDT
Funny, I was just going to suggest that.
