04-15-2011, 06:30 AM
Hi all,
I would like to share portuguese translation of opendocman,
I would like to share portuguese translation of opendocman,
// (C) 20010-2011 Stephen Lawrence Jr.
// Translated by: Mahdy Mussa
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
$lang = array();
global $lang;
$lang['anonymous_link'] = 'Clique aqui para ler arquivos públicos anonimamente';
$lang['forgotpassword'] = 'Esqueceu-se da palavra-passe?';
$lang['install_folder'] = 'Nota de segurança: Se você já instalou / atualizou então você deve remover a pasta \'install\' antes de prosseguir';
$lang['signup'] = 'Entre com uma conta';
$lang['welcome'] = 'Bem vindo ao opendocman';
$lang['welcome2'] = 'Entre para começar a usar o sistema com recursos poderosos de armazenamento, edição e controle de revisão.';
$lang['welcome_anonymous_title'] = 'OpenDocMan página anônima: Listar todas';
$lang['welcome_anonymous_h1'] = 'OpenDocMan página anônima';
$lang['action'] = 'Acção';
$lang['all'] = 'Todos';
$lang['anonymous'] = 'Anónimo';
$lang['author'] = 'Autor';
$lang['category'] = 'Categoria';
$lang['choose'] = 'Escolha';
$lang['date'] = 'Data';
$lang['days'] = 'Dias';
$lang['department'] = 'Departamento';
$lang['edit'] = 'Editar';
$lang['enter'] = 'Digite';
$lang['error'] = 'Erro';
$lang['file'] = 'Arquivo';
$lang['help'] = 'Ajuda';
$lang['home'] = 'Principal';
$lang['installer'] = 'Instalador';
$lang['list'] = 'Lista';
$lang['login'] = 'Login';
$lang['logout'] = 'Sair';
$lang['new'] = 'Novo';
$lang['owner'] = 'Proprietário';
$lang['preferences'] = 'Preferências';
$lang['password'] = 'Senha';
$lang['please'] = 'Por favor';
$lang['profile'] = 'Perfil';
$lang['public'] = 'Público';
$lang['revision'] = 'Revisão';
$lang['search'] = 'Procurar';
$lang['select'] = 'Selecione';
$lang['sincerely'] = 'Sinceramente';
$lang['submit'] = 'Submeter';
$lang['time'] = 'Tempo';
$lang['type'] = 'Tipo';
$lang['updated'] = 'Atualizado';
$lang['username'] = 'Nome de Usuário';
$lang['users'] = 'Usuários';
$lang['value'] = 'Valor';
$lang['view'] = 'Ver';
// Areas
$lang['area_add_new_category'] = 'Adicionar nova categoria';
$lang['area_add_new_department'] = 'Adicionar Novo Departamento';
$lang['area_add_new_file'] = 'Adicionar Novo Arquivo';
$lang['area_add_new_udf'] = 'Adicionar Novo Campo Definido pelo usuário';
$lang['area_add_new_user'] = 'Adicionar Novo Campo';
$lang['area_admin'] = 'Administração';
$lang['area_check_in_file'] = 'Check-in Arquivo';
$lang['area_check_out_file'] = 'Check-out Arquivo';
$lang['area_choose_department'] = 'Escolha o Departamento';
$lang['area_delete_category'] = 'Eliminar categoria';
$lang['area_deleted_files'] = 'Eliminar Arquivo';
$lang['area_department_information'] = 'Departamento de informação';
$lang['area_display_category'] = 'Mostrar Todos os Arquivos da Categoria';
$lang['area_document_listing'] = 'Listagem de documento';
$lang['area_file_delete'] = 'Eliminar Arquivo';
$lang['area_file_details'] = 'Detalhes do arquivo';
$lang['area_file_expiration'] = 'Validade do arquivo';
$lang['area_personal_profile'] = 'Perfil Pessoal';
$lang['area_reset_password'] = 'Redefinir senha';
$lang['area_update_category'] = 'Actualizar Categoria';
$lang['area_update_department'] = 'Actualizar Departamento';
$lang['area_update_file'] = 'Actualizar Arquivo';
$lang['area_view_category'] = 'Ver categoria';
// Buttons
$lang['button_add_category'] = 'Adicionar Categoria';
$lang['button_add_department'] = 'Adicionar Departamento';
$lang['button_add_document'] = 'Adicionar Documentos';
$lang['button_authorize'] = 'Autorizar';
$lang['button_back'] = 'Voltar';
$lang['button_cancel'] = 'Cancelar';
$lang['button_check_in'] = 'Check-in';
$lang['button_clear_status'] = 'Limpar o estado';
$lang['button_click_here'] = 'Clique Aqui';
$lang['button_continue'] = 'Continue';
$lang['button_delete'] = 'Eliminar';
$lang['button_delete_files'] = 'Eliminar Arquivos';
$lang['button_display_category'] = 'Ver Todos Arquivos Desta categoria';
$lang['button_modify_category'] = 'Modificar Categoria';
$lang['button_modify_department'] = 'Modificar de Departamento';
$lang['button_reject'] = 'Rejeitar';
$lang['button_reset'] = 'Redefinir';
$lang['button_resubmit_for_review'] = 'Re-Enviar para Revisão';
$lang['button_save'] = 'Salvar';
$lang['button_undelete'] = 'Recuperar';
$lang['button_update'] = 'Actualizar';
$lang['button_view_department'] = 'Ver departamento';
$lang['button_yes'] = 'Sim';
$lang['email_added_to_repository'] = 'adicionado ao repositório';
$lang['email_a_new_file_has_been_added'] = 'Um novo arquivo foi adicionado';
$lang['email_a_new_file_has_been_rejected'] = 'Um novo arquivo foi rejeitado';
$lang['email_automated_document_messenger'] = 'Automated Document Messenger';
$lang['email_because_you_did_not_revise'] = 'porque você não reveu mais de because';
$lang['email_comments_regarding_review'] = 'Comentários a respeito de sua revisão do documento';
$lang['email_email_all_users'] = 'Enviar para todos usuários';
$lang['email_email_these_users'] = 'Enviar para estes usuários';
$lang['email_email_whole_department'] = 'Enviar para todos usuarios do departamento';
$lang['email_file_expired'] = 'O arquivo expirou';
$lang['email_file_was_rejected_because'] = 'Seu arquivo foi rejeitado porque você não reveu mais de';
$lang['email_file_was_rejected_expired'] = 'O seu arquivo expirou. Por favor, atualizar o arquivo o mais rápido possÃvel. O arquivo pode ser inacessÃvel até que você.';
$lang['email_for_the_following_reasons'] = 'pelas seguintes razões:';
$lang['email_greeting'] = 'Caro autor';
$lang['email_i_would_like_to_inform'] = 'Gostaria de informar que';
$lang['email_note_to_authors'] = 'Nota para o(s) autore (s)';
$lang['email_revision_days'] = 'O número máximo de dias antes do vencimento:';
$lang['email_salute'] = 'Sinceramente';
$lang['email_someone_has_requested_password'] = 'Alguém pediu uma redefinição de senha. Se você deseja redefinir sua senha clique no link abaixo. Se você não quiser redefinir sua senha, então simplesmente não faça nada e ignore este e-mail.';
$lang['email_status_expired'] = 'Estado: Expirado';
$lang['email_subject_review_status'] = 'Rever o estado do documento';
$lang['email_subject'] = 'Assunto';
$lang['email_thank_you'] = 'Obrigado';
$lang['email_to'] = 'Para';
$lang['email_was_declined_for_publishing_at'] = 'Foi recusado para publicação em';
$lang['email_was_rejected_from_repository'] = 'Foi rejeitada pelo repositório';
$lang['email_you_can_now_login'] = 'Agora você pode entrar em sua conta nesta página';
$lang['email_your_account_created'] = 'Sua conta no sistema de gestão de documentos foi criada em:';
$lang['email_your_file_has_been_authorized'] = 'Seu arquivo foi autorizado para publicação';
// Labels
$lang['label_active'] = 'Activo';
$lang['label_add'] = 'Adicionar';
$lang['label_admin'] = 'Admin';
$lang['label_allowed'] = 'Admitido';
$lang['label_all_departments'] = 'Todos Departamentos';
$lang['label_assign_to'] = 'Atribuir a';
$lang['label_author'] = 'Autor';
$lang['label_browse_by'] = 'Filtrar por:';
$lang['label_case_sensitive'] = 'Sensivel a Caracteres';
$lang['label_checked_out_files'] = 'Checked-Out de arquivos';
$lang['label_check_expiration'] = 'Verifique Vencimento';
$lang['label_comment'] = 'Comentário';
$lang['label_created_date'] = 'Data da criação';
$lang['label_default_for_unset'] = 'Default Setting for Unset Department';
$lang['label_delete'] = 'Eliminar';
$lang['label_delete_undelete'] = 'Eliminar/Restaurar';
$lang['label_department_authority'] = 'Departamentos da Autoridade';
$lang['label_department'] = 'Departamento';
$lang['label_departments'] = 'Departamentos';
$lang['label_department_to_modify'] = 'Modificar Departamento';
$lang['label_description'] = 'Descrição';
$lang['label_display'] = 'Exibir';
$lang['label_email_address'] = 'Enderoço de email';
$lang['label_empty'] = 'Vazio';
$lang['label_exact_phrase'] = 'Frase Exata';
$lang['label_example'] = 'Exemplo';
$lang['label_file_archive'] = 'Arquivo de ficheiros';
$lang['label_file_category'] = 'Categoria do Arquivo';
$lang['label_file_listing'] = 'Lista de Arquivos';
$lang['label_file_location'] = 'Localização do Arquivo';
$lang['label_file_maintenance'] = 'Manutenção do arquivo';
$lang['label_filename'] = 'Nome do arquivo';
$lang['label_filetype'] = 'Tipo de Arquivo';
$lang['label_filetypes'] = 'Tipos de arquivo';
$lang['label_file_name'] = 'Nome do arquivo';
$lang['label_first_name'] = 'Nome';
$lang['label_forbidden'] = 'Proibido';
$lang['label_found_documents'] = 'Documento(s) encontrado(s)';
$lang['label_id'] = 'ID';
$lang['label_is_admin'] = 'Ã Admin';
$lang['label_is_reviewer'] = 'Ã Revisor';
$lang['label_last_name'] = 'Sobrenome';
$lang['label_moderation'] = 'Moderação';
$lang['label_modified_date'] = 'Data de Modificação';
$lang['label_modify'] = 'Modificar';
$lang['label_name'] = 'Nome';
$lang['label_new_password'] = 'Nova Senha';
$lang['label_next'] = 'Seguinte';
$lang['label_note_for_revision_log'] = 'Nota para registo de revisão';
$lang['label_page'] = 'Pagina';
$lang['label_phone_number'] = 'Numero de telefone';
$lang['label_plugins'] = 'Plug-Ins';
$lang['label_prev'] = 'Anterior';
$lang['label_read'] = 'Ler';
$lang['label_reassign_to'] = 'Re-atribuir a';
$lang['label_rejected_files'] = 'Arquivos rejeitados';
$lang['label_rejections'] = 'Rejeição';
$lang['label_reviewer_for'] = 'Dept. reviewer for';
$lang['label_reviewer'] = 'Reviewer';
$lang['label_reviews'] = 'Reviews';
$lang['label_rights'] = 'Rights';
$lang['label_run_expiration'] = 'Run Expiration Utility';
$lang['label_search_term'] = 'Search term';
$lang['label_select_a_department'] = 'Select a department';
$lang['label_select_departments'] = 'Select departments';
$lang['label_select_one'] = 'Select one';
$lang['label_settings'] = 'Settings';
$lang['label_size'] = 'Size';
$lang['label_specific_permissions'] = 'Specific User Permissions (use ctrl-click or cmd-click)';
$lang['label_status'] = 'Status';
$lang['label_update'] = 'Update';
$lang['label_user_defined_fields'] = 'User Defined Fields';
$lang['label_user_defined_field'] = 'User Defined Field';
$lang['label_users_in_department'] = 'Users in this department';
$lang['label_user'] = 'User';
$lang['label_view'] = 'View';
// Messages
$lang['message_account_created_add_user'] = 'Your account has been created.';
$lang['message_account_created_password'] = 'Your randomly generated password is';
$lang['message_account_created'] = 'Your account has been created. Please check your email for login information.';
$lang['message_action_cancelled'] = 'Action Cancelled';
$lang['message_all_actions_successfull'] = 'All actions completed successfully';
$lang['message_an_email_has_been_sent'] = 'An email has been sent to the email address on file with a link that must be followed in order to reset the password.';
$lang['message_anonymous_view'] = 'You have been switched to anonymous view mode';
$lang['message_are_you_sure_remove'] = 'Are you sure you want to remove this?';
$lang['message_authorized'] = 'Authorized';
$lang['message_category_successfully_added'] = 'Category successfully added';
$lang['message_category_successfully_deleted'] = 'Category successfully deleted';
$lang['message_category_successfully_updated'] = 'Category successfully updated';
$lang['message_click_to_checkout_document'] = 'Click to check out the selected document and begin downloading it to your local workstation';
$lang['message_config_value_problem'] = 'There is a problem with one of your configuration values. Please check.';
$lang['message_current'] = 'Current';
$lang['message_datadir_problem'] = 'There is a problem with your dataDir. Check to make sure it exists and is writeable';
$lang['message_datadir_problem_exists'] = 'There is a problem with your dataDir setting. It does not appear to exist.';
$lang['message_datadir_problem_writable'] = 'There is a problem with your dataDir setting. It does not appear to be writeable to the web server.';
$lang['message_department_successfully_added'] = 'Department successfully added';
$lang['message_department_successfully_updated'] = 'Department successfully updated';
$lang['message_directory_creation_failed'] = 'Directory Creation Failed';
$lang['message_document_added'] = 'Document successfully added';
$lang['message_document_checked_in'] = 'Document successfully checked in';
$lang['message_document_checked_out_to_you'] = 'Documents currently checked out by you';
$lang['message_document_has_been_archived'] = 'Document has been archived';
$lang['message_documents_expired'] = 'Documents expired';
$lang['message_documents_rejected'] = 'Documents rejected';
$lang['message_document_successfully_deleted'] = 'Document successfully deleted';
$lang['message_documents_waiting'] = 'Documents waiting to be reviewed';
$lang['message_error_performing_action'] = 'There was an error performing the request action';
$lang['message_file_authorized'] = 'File authorization completed successfully';
$lang['message_file_does_not_exist'] = 'File does not exist or there is a problem with the file.';
$lang['message_file_expired'] = 'File Expired';
$lang['message_file_rejected'] = 'File rejection completed successfully';
$lang['message_folder_error_check'] = 'Folder Error. Check Last Message in status bar for details.';
$lang['message_folder_perms_error'] = 'Folder Permissions Error:';
$lang['message_for_further_assistance'] = 'for further assistance';
$lang['message_found_documents'] = 'found document(s)';
$lang['message_if_you_are_unable_to_view'] = 'If you are not able to do so for some reason, click <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Download"> to download the selected document and begin downloading it to your local workstation for local view.';
$lang['message_initial_import'] = 'Initial Import';
$lang['message_last_message'] = 'Last Message';
$lang['message_latest_version'] = 'Latest version';
$lang['message_need_one_department'] = 'You need at least one department';
$lang['message_no_author_comments_available'] = 'No author comments available';
$lang['message_no_description_available'] = 'No description available';
$lang['message_no_documents_checked_out'] = 'No documents are currently checked out to you.';
$lang['message_no_files_found'] = 'No Files Found';
$lang['message_no_information_available'] = 'No information available';
$lang['message_non_unique_account'] = 'Non-Unique account';
$lang['message_non_unique_key'] = 'Non-Unique key in database.';
$lang['message_nothing_to_do'] = 'Nothing to do';
$lang['message_not_writeable'] = 'Not Writeable!';
$lang['message_once_the_document_has_completed'] = 'Once the document has completed downloading, you may';
$lang['message_original_version'] = 'Original version';
$lang['message_please_email'] = 'Please email';
$lang['message_please_upload_valid_doc'] = 'Please upload a valid document';
$lang['message_record_exists'] = 'Record already exists. Try again with a different value.';
$lang['message_rejected'] = 'Rejected';
$lang['message_rejecting_files'] = 'Rejecting files last edited before';
$lang['message_reviewers_comments_re_rejection'] = 'Reviewers comments regarding rejection';
$lang['message_session_error'] = 'Session error. Please login again.';
$lang['message_set_your_new_password'] = 'Set your new password using the form below.';
$lang['message_sorry_demo_mode'] = 'Sorry, demo mode only, you can not do that!';
$lang['message_sorry_not_allowed'] = 'Sorry, you are not allowed do to that!';
$lang['message_that_filetype_not_supported'] = 'That file type is not currently supported.<p>Please upload a document conforming to any of the following file types or add the missing MIMETYPE to ';
$lang['message_the_code_you_are_using'] = 'The code you are trying to use to reset your password is no longer valid. Please use this form to reset your password.';
$lang['message_the_file_is_too_large'] = 'The file is too large. Check your OpenDocMan settings. Maximum size is';
$lang['message_the_file_is_too_large_php_ini'] = 'The file is too large for your php server. Check your php.ini configuration for max upload/post/memory. Maximum size is currently: ';
$lang['message_there_was_an_error_loggin_you_in'] = 'There was an error loggin you in. Please try again.';
$lang['message_there_was_an_error_performing_the_action'] = 'There was an error performing the requested action.';
$lang['message_the_username_you_entered'] = 'The username you entered was not found in our system. Contact us if you have forgotten your username.';
$lang['message_this_file_cannot_be_checked_in'] = 'This file cannot be checked in';
$lang['message_this_file_cannot_be_uploaded'] = 'This file cannot be uploaded properly';
$lang['message_this_operation_cannot_be_done_file'] = 'This operation cannot be done on this file';
$lang['message_this_operation_cannot_be_done_rev'] = 'This operation cannot be done to a revision of a file';
$lang['message_this_page_requires_root'] = 'This page requires root level permission';
$lang['message_this_site_has_high_security'] = 'This site has a high level of security and we cannot retrieve your password for you. You can use this form to reset your password. Enter your username and we will send an email to the email address on file with a link that you must follow to reset your password. At that point you may set it to anything you wish.';
$lang['message_to_view_your_file'] = 'Para visualizar o arquivo em uma nova janela';
$lang['message_udf_cannot_be_blank'] = 'O nome da UDF não pode estar em branco';
$lang['message_udf_successfully_added'] = 'O campo definido pelo usuário foi adicionado com sucesso';
$lang['message_udf_successfully_deleted'] = 'O campo definido pelo usuário foi eliminado com sucesso';
$lang['message_unable_to_determine_root'] = 'Não foi possÃvel determinar o nome do usuário root. Por favor, verifique sua configuração.';
$lang['message_unable_to_find_file'] = 'Não foi possÃvel encontrar o arquivo solicitado';
$lang['message_user_exists'] = 'Esse usuário já existe. Por favor<a href=\'signup.php\'>tente novamente</a>';
$lang['message_user_successfully_added'] = 'Usuario adicionado com Sucesso';
$lang['message_user_successfully_deleted'] = 'Usuário excluÃdo com sucesso';
$lang['message_user_successfully_updated'] = 'Usuário atualizado com sucesso';
$lang['message_wrong_file_checkin'] = 'Arquivo errado! Por favor, verifique o arquivo certo.';
$lang['message_you_are_not_administrator'] = 'Você não é administrador';
$lang['message_you_did_not_enter_value'] = 'Você não inseriu um valor!';
$lang['message_you_do_not_have_an_account'] = 'Atualmente você não tem uma conta? Entre em contato com o administrador para pedir uma.';
$lang['message_you_must_assign_rights'] = 'Você deve atribuir ver / modificar direitos de pelo menos um usuário.';
$lang['message_your_password_has_been_changed'] = 'Sua senha foi alterada.';
$lang['view'] = $lang['label_view'];