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Problem with dataDir - Printable Version

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Problem with dataDir - Caposoft - 01-26-2012

Ok, I am not getting it. Please help me.

I installed the script, followed instruction and followed again. Somehow I am not getting it. I am getting a "There is a problem with your dataDir. Check to make sure it exists and is writeable" message.

My config.php looks like this:

config.php - OpenDocMan main config file
Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004  Stephen Lawrence, Khoa Nguyen
Copyright (C) 2005-2009  Stephen Lawrence

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

    DEFAULTS and will be overwritten during an upgrade.

// Eliminate multiple inclusion of config.php
if( !defined('config') )
    define('config', 'true', false);

// config.php - useful variables/functions

// Database Settings
$GLOBALS['database'] = 'capode_docman'; // Enter the name of the database here
$GLOBALS['user'] = 'capode_docman'; // Enter the username for the database
$GLOBALS['pass'] = 'xxx'; // Enter the password for the username
$GLOBALS['hostname'] = 'localhost'; // Enter the hostname that is serving the database

global $CONFIG;      $CONFIG = array(
* Prefix to append to each table name in the database (ex. odm_ would make the tables
* named "odm_users", "odm_data" etc. Leave this set to the default if you want to keep
* it the way it was. If you do change this to a different value, make sure it is either
* a clean-install, or you manually go through and re-name the database tables to match.
* @DEFAULT 'odm_'
* @ARG String
'db_prefix' => 'odm_',

'debug' => '0',

// This setting is for a demo installation, where random people will be
// all loggging in as the same username/password like 'demo/demo'. This will
// keep users from removing files, users, etc.
'demo' => 'false',

// This is useful if you have a web-based kerberos authenticatio site
// Set to either kerbauth or mysql
//'authen' => 'kerbauth',
'authen' => 'mysql',

// Set the number of files that show up on each page
'page_limit' => '15',

// Set the number of page links that show up on each page
'num_page_limit' => '10',

// Set the maximum displayable length of text field
'displayable_len' => '15',

// Set this to the url of the site
// No need for trailing "/" here
'base_url' => '',

// This is the browser window title
'title' => 'Document Repository',

// The email address of the administrator of this site
'site_mail' => 'root@localhost',

//This variable sets the root username.  The root user will be able to access
//all files and have authority for everything.
'root_username'  => 'admin',

// location of file repository
// This should ideally be outside the Web server root.
// Make sure the server has permissions to read/write files to this folder!

// Uncomment this one for WINDOWS - Don't forget the trailing backslash "/"
'dataDir' => 'c:/data/',

// Uncomment this one for LINUX - Don't forget the trailing slash "/"
//'dataDir' => '/var/www/document_repository/',

// Set the maximum file upload size
'max_filesize' => '5000000',

//This var sets the amount of days until each file needs to be revised,
//assuming that there are 30 days in a month for all months.
'revision_expiration' => '90',

/* Choose an action option when a file is found to be expired
The first two options also result in sending email to reviewer
    (1) Remove from file list until renewed
    (2) Show in file list but non-checkoutable
    (3) Send email to reviewer only
    (4) Do Nothing
'file_expired_action' => '1',

//Authorization control: On or Off (case sensitive)
//If set On, every document added or checked back must be reviewed by an admin
//before it can go public.  To disable this review queue, set this variable to Off.
//When set to Off, all newly added or checked back in documents will immediately go public
'authorization' => 'On',

//Secure URL control: On or Off (case sensitive)
//When set to 'On', all urls will be secured
//When set to 'Off', all urls are normal and readable
'secureurl' => 'On',

// should we display document listings in the normal way or in a tree view
// this must be 'On' to change the display
'treeview' => 'Off',

// should we display the signup link?
'allow_signup' => 'On',

// should we allow users to reset their forgotten password?
'allow_password_reset' => 'Off',

// Attempt NIS password lookups?
'try_nis' => 'Off',

// Which theme to use?
'theme' => 'default'

// List of allowed file types
// Pay attention to the "Last Message:" in the status bar if your file is being rejected
// because of its file type. It should display the proper MIME type there, and you can
// then add that string to this list to allow it
$GLOBALS['allowedFileTypes'] = array('image/gif', 'text/html', 'text/plain', 'application/pdf', 'application/x-pdf', 'application/x-lyx', 'application/msword', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', 'application/msexcel', 'application/msaccess', 'text/richtxt', 'application/mspowerpoint', 'application/octet-stream', 'application/x-zip-compressed','image/tiff','image/tif','application/','application/');

// <----- No need to edit below here ---->
// Encourage end-users to put local configuration in config_local.php, so
// we can overwrite (config.php) in the future
// without danger of overwriting site specific information.
if (is_file('config_local.php'))
elseif (is_file('../config_local.php'))

// Set the revision directory. (relative to $dataDir)
$CONFIG['revisionDir'] = $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['dataDir'] . 'revisionDir/';

// Set the revision directory. (relative to $dataDir)
$CONFIG['archiveDir'] = $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['dataDir'] . 'archiveDir/';

$GLOBALS['connection'] = mysql_connect($GLOBALS['hostname'], $GLOBALS['user'], $GLOBALS['pass']) or die ("Unable to connect: " . mysql_error());
$db = mysql_select_db($GLOBALS['database'], $GLOBALS['connection']);

// All functions and includes are in functions.php

$_GET = sanitizeme($_GET);
$_REQUEST = sanitizeme($_REQUEST);
$_POST = sanitizeme($_POST);
$_SERVER = sanitizeme($_SERVER);

Where exactly do I have to create the directory data? In the folder docman or in the root, on the same level as the publich_html folder? The data folder has 755 rights. I would prefer to have it in the docman folder.

Re: Problem with dataDir - Stephen - 01-29-2012

First, you could try 1.2.6beta. It has a better installer.

Second, your dataDir is "c:/data/". Does that folder exist? Is it writeable by your web server?

If you must have your dataDir inside your documentroot, you can, but if others have access to the server it is not a good idea. Someone could find the folder, and then visit that URL to access the files directly. If your the only one with access to it, then you should at least make the name of your dataDir hard to guess.

Re: Problem with dataDir - chritra - 02-07-2012

I used 1.2.6beta installer to solve this problem

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Issue: There is a problem with your Data Dir, check to make - sureshmota - 03-26-2012

Hi can you please address the following issue which I am getting. I am installing this software in the virtual machine.

"There is a problem with your Data Dir, check to make sure it exists and writeable".

but I have created Datadir and writable, it is still giving me the problem.


Re: Issue: There is a problem with your Data Dir, check to m - Stephen - 03-28-2012

sureshmota Wrote:Hi can you please address the following issue which I am getting. I am installing this software in the virtual machine.

"There is a problem with your Data Dir, check to make sure it exists and writeable".

but I have created Datadir and writable, it is still giving me the problem.


What version of OpenDocMan are you using?